The New HOT Guy

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Gideon's POV

The pillow that i was hugging was so soft. It was warm too. I felt safe when i was hugging it. But as i hit my head it felt hard. With my eyes still closed i held what hit my head and felt it hard.. really hard when i open my eyes i saw a naked dipper

"AAAAHHHHH!!" I said at the bed. Dipper woke up and paniced but when he saw me he place his hand at his cheek and smiled at me

"Morning cutie!" I blushed over the nickname he made. I stood and he followed my every move

"Donr call me that!" I said in a serious voice when i notice dipper pouting. Gawd he looks so hot

"So jeff could call you baby and i dont?!" He pouted even more and i just sighed. What is wrong with guys now a days. Shush

"Ok ok ok.. you could call me that but only here!!"

"Sure thing wifey"  my eyes widen and glare at him and the guy just laughed.

"This isnt funny di-"

"Hubby" he cut me off and smiled brightly. I just rolled my eyes and walked away

"Hey! Dont turn your back on me wifey!!"

"Dont call me that! We'rw not even married!!" I blush just thought of us married and living together

"Well not now.. but soon" i turned around to look at him and i blushed i just turned around

"I'll make us breakfast dip-"

"Hubby" i rolled my eyes and sighed

"Hubby"i said in an annoyed voice.


While eating breakfast i got a text from jeff

Jeffy😼😼: yo baby!! Need a ride?

Me:Hahahahaha😆😆😆 sure thing!

Jeffy😼😼:ok! Im on my way!!

I smiled over our little conversation. When i notice dipper glaring at me

"Who were you texting?"

"Jeff why?"

"Hand me your phone" i handed my phone to dipper and he typed something. He return it and took his phone and sended me a text

Hubby😍😍😙: dont change this or else!!!

Me: or else what😂😂

Hubby😍😍😙: or i'll fyck you

I looked up at him and he just laughed. I blushed and stood up

"Youre terrible!" I shouted at him

"Hey!" He stood and chased after me and he hugged me by the waist and i just blushed "hey im sorry ok" he turned me around and lift my chinn

"Dip.. i mean hubby.." i said getting the hand of the nickname. He smiled and we both blushed. He pulled me closer and closer until

"GIDEON!?" we heard jeff's voice we pushed each other. I ran to the door. Realizing what we were about to do

'Was i about to kiss hubby?! Oh hell nah!! No no no no no-'

"Yo gid! You ok?" Jeff interrputed me and i jist smiled. "Ya ready to go?" I nod my head and as i was about to leave

"Wifey!!" I heard hubby's voice and froze. Jeff stared at me with a confused looked but glared when he saw hubby

"Whats this fucker doing here!!!" Jeff asked mad at the idea

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