Realise what I'm Doing

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Dipper's POV

I walked out yeah its stupid but i just felt.. disappointed. I didnt want to make gideon feel annoyed. But when i saw his face. I knew it was wrong. I embarassed him.

"Youre really open arent you?" I turned around and saw jonah. I like the guy he's nice. But now he was staring at me with such piecring eyes. His brown eyes looking through me.

"What do you mean?" I question what he meant

"Do you like him?"

"Who?" He smiled and came closer

"My friend, gideon?"

"What? Why would i? I asked trying to not look nervious in my eyes. I know what he's ploting and im no fool at this game

"Really?" I nod my head yes "doesnt seem like it? This aura you give. Your glares and protectiveness its pretty obvious dont you think" his eyes and smile were scaring me

"Its nothing we're just friends"

"Um.. ok. If you say so.. but be warned. Your nickname and attitude you gotta be real or youre done. Bye dipper" i turned around and stopped "oh and dipper, gideon's looking for you.. im not the fool here.. your heart says so" then his eyes glow and he smiled and looked away. Walking away.

"What are you!! Jonah!!"

He's gone. I sat down pulling my hair while blushing. Was i that obvious? I didnt mean any of this


Jeff's POV

In just a few more minutes lunch will end and im still really pissed. Jonah came back without Gideon

"Did ya find him?" Fredrick asked. Jonah nod his head no. Thats when i got more pissed. I couldnt stand the fact that he got all upset cause of that dipper dude.

I stood up and walked away. I wasnt far away when i heard love replyed "alot are walking out arent they" i just shook my head and started walking. I went to my secret place. Only me and gideon knew this. Guess not anymore

"Pacifica?" I saw a familiar blonde girl crying. I came closer when i saw she shiff and looked up at me.

"Jeff?" She said wiping her nose

"Whats the matter?" She sat up porperly singaling me to sit next to her. I did and looked at her

"Jeff.. have you ever been jealous before?" I blinked three times

"Pacifica-" she cut me off by looking at my eyes deeply giving me chills

"Im no fool jeffery. I know you like my cousin. Not as a friend more than that." I felt my cheeks heating

"P! Dont be ridiculous!!"

"Im not the one joking here" she said with a brow up. I sighed and looked at her with tried eyes

"Youre just jealous"

"Arent you too?" She keep flashing back at me. I was annoyed

"Whats the point pacifica?"

"You tell me" i stood and putted my hand by the wall and looked at her eyes directly

"What do you want? Stop this bullshit! I aint got time for this!!"

"But you have for gid, dont you?


Gideon's POV

Dipper where are you? Ive been searching everywhere for him. Dont tell me he's home already! Hays.. why is this school so freakin big! 5 more minutes and its gonna be time and still no dipper.

I kept running, having deep breaths. I still couldnt find dipper. When i was about to give up i notice a brunete standing up at the coner of the building.

"Dipper!!!" He turned around and saw me with wide eyes and walked away. I run closer to him and held his wrist. He glared at me and removed my hand "hubby?"

"Dont call me that!" My eyes widen

"Whats the matter? Whats wrong?!" I face redden in anger. Somethings off, why's he acting like this

"Just leave me alone!"


"You! You!" I froze for a few seconds to understand what dipper is saying

"D-dipper?" I was shaking, my mind was blurring, my heart was breaking

"Youre so annoying acting as if you care and that everthing you do matters!! What are you?! You act so gay! Argh i dont even care about you!" I felt tears falling

"I thought we're friends!!"

"Ha! Then you thought wrong! I didnt even ask to be here but look at this im leaving with a white haired guy!" Dipper's eyes widen and i realize i was crying

"I wish you never did!! Why did you even care or why were you so nice!! You act like you reallt cared! So what ever we had was a lie! Yesterday the day before that and the day before that!!" I held my chest. Its breaking i couldnt breath, my tears were falling like a water fall. Dipper came closer to me i step back and run away.

I cant do this anymore


Dipper's POV

I couldnt move, i couldnt feel, i couldnt hear. I bell was ringing telling us its time but i couldnt even tell whats happening all i know my vision got blurry


I could hear someone screaming my name, i was getting dizzy until i fell.


"Did you find him?!"

"Nope! He's not home!!"

Whats going on?

"Hays!! Find him!"

"We did stop screaming at me!!"

"Well find him harder!!"

Who's missing

"Whyre you mad at me!"

"Arent you the sister!!"

"Arent you the friend?!!"

"Whats going on guys!!"

"Gideon's missing"

Gideon's missing?

"GIDEON!!" I screamed waking from the clinic bed. Jonah, Fredrick, Love, Pacifica and Jeff almost had a heart attack

"Ay Diyos ko po!(oh my God!)" Jonah said holding his chest

"What the uck was that!!" Fredrick said glaring me with an evil eye

"What are you talking about?"

"You!! Like waking up from the dead!! You didnt even warned us!!" Love said

"What ever! Whats going on? Where's Gideon?" I said searching for him in the clinic room

"We couldnt find him! After Love saw you fainting" jeff said glaring at me. I looked at jonah who was giving me chill.

I stood from the bed and walked my way to the door when pacifica stoped me. I look at her with a dead eye. And removed her hand

"Where are you going!?" Looked at me angrily.

"Isnt obvious? Im going to find my gideon"

The more you Hate, The more you Die (Reverse Falls) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now