I need You to Help me Up

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Dipper's POV

its been 4 hours since my call with gideon. And it looks like he wont be back any time soon. I mean i called him at 5:40pm and its almost 10.

I was starving to death. And i kept looking at my phone in case of any calls or text. Which made me realize why i have a phone.. i never even used my phone before. This was the first time. I was desparate to call gideon but i looks like he was too busy to even bother and mabel in not an option.

I was about to accept my faith when a familar white hair boy came banging in the room with pacifica's arm round his back. I sat up worried with his state..'woah woah woah! First ya waited for this pig then youre worried.. he's coming in my skin' Pacifica came closer

"Pacific Ocean what happen?!" She placed gideon pale as ever

"He had car sick.. almost every 5 mintues he'll puke.." eyes widen

"What?! Then why bring him to the resort?!" I said, furious about the idea that he has car sick

"I told him to not come and tried to convince him but he said he'll handle it.." i looked at gideon he was asleep. I looked at her

"I'll take it from here.."

"What?! Are you sure?" I just looked at her with a 'well aint it obvious?' She sighed and nod.

When pacifica left i tried to move my legs.. i can move but not too much. I look at the side of the bed and saw the sponge bath. I took it and felt the water 'too cold' i held my hand out pointing at it, blue flames heat the water.

I did deep breaths seens i cant use my magic too much. I looked at gideon again and realize i need to remove his... his..his shirt..

I took a deep breath and unbutton his shirt. I tried to focus and not look at his beautiful ab- 'WHAT AM I THINKING?!' i blushed. When his shirt was off i took the towel and wipe his body. When his body relax i placed the sponge bath down and looked at him.

He's not bad himself. I mean good fitures, strong jaw, nice hair, beautiful abs, kissable- "DIPPER GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF!"


Gideon's POV

I woke up in a soft bed. The morning sun was kissing my face. I opened one eye and sterch my arms and turn to my side and saw a beautiful sleeping brunete..um..

"AAAAAAHHHHHH!!" i screamed, i fell and the brunete woke up "d-dipper?! Whats going on?!" I looked down and saw i was half naked "And why am i half naked?!"

Dipper rubbed his eyes still half asleep when he had full knowledge and looked at me looked at my shirt and looked to his side and screamed. "GIDEON?!"

"Dipper.. mind explaining?!"

"Pacifica brought you here last night and you were sick so i.. well"

"Well?" I rised an eyebrow

"I gave you a sponge bath?" He answered awkwardly and i just stared at him and he felt uneasy

I laughed while he pouted. I just laughed more and stood and put my hand on his shoulder


"No problem" i took my shirt and was about to get out when he called my name i turned


"I need you to help me up.." he said looking down.

"Are you sure? I mean-"

"Gideon.. ive stayed here almost a week i dont know i think i could stand now" i nod my head and went to him.

I held his arms and stood him up but failed and he fell to my arms. He cursed and tried again, this time he cried in pain

"Dipper! Youre hurting yourself! You should rest.." i said placing him back to my bed

"No.." he said pushing me weakly. I stared at him ".. i want to stand.. i want to walk.." he said softly

"But you need to rest.. dipper please we wont have progress when you keep pushing yourself.." he looked down and nod. He placed him back and asked him to rest. I went out of ny room

I took my phone out and called his sister concerning his condition "mabel.. why's dipper not yet ok?"

"I dont know... but please bare with.. i know its hard but coulde you please try..." i sighed

"Ok.. i'll do my best" the call ended and i open the door and saw him sleep tightly


When dipper woke up, i decide to help him stand. I mean it is a bad idea to just sit all day. He looked at me confunsed

"Im gonna help you up.." his eyes lit up and he smiled.

I smiled and held him again. He fell three times and he was getting annoyed. He stopped and gave up

"Oh no you are not giving up! I know its hard but you gotta trust me. Put your whole force in me and i'll hold you..no matter what. So dont stop now!" He looked at me and nod


Dipper's POV

He was patient, caring and humble. He dis everything he could. It took us 7 hours and i could walk properly. I know but isnt that too fast for a person to know how to walk RIGHT.. well remember i still have little magic.

After the whole practice we lay on his bed. This guy over here is really something. I turned to my side and stared at his face. Ive always hate the guy for ruining all my plans but that was five years ago. Now we all change.

I was a terrible guy who had no heart. And now this pig came and it all gave me a whole new point of view. And maybe i do like him..

"You know take a picture..it'll last longer" gideon said turning to his side and looking at me. I blushed instantly and look away


"Um? For what" he rested his face on his hand

"For helping me.."

"Im just returning the favor" his smile. He has pearly whites. His smile is somethig else

"Hey gideon.."


"Will you.. um.. i dont know how.. wooh.. will you be my.. my..my-"

"My? Come on spit it out"

"My boy-best friend yes! Haha will you be my best friend..hehe" he titel  his head and laugh

"Arent we already friends?" He said laughing i just blush and smiled

"So is that a yes?!"

"Duh!" He stood and put his arm around me and shook my hair and laughed at me. "To best friends"

I smiled and look at him. Almosr regretting what i said.. i didnt want to be friends but something more

"To best friends..."

The more you Hate, The more you Die (Reverse Falls) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now