I'm His Friend Too

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Dipper's POV

I woke up early tothe smell of gideon's cooking. Gawd i miss his cooking, he would be a perfect wife

'AAAHH! DIPPER STOP' I slapped myself in the face while blushing. I check the mirror and saw a big red mark on my face. I juat stood and went down stairs

"Morning Dipper!!" Gideon said rather jolly then usal i mean i know his a happy guy but this is just rather.. well odd "what happen to your face?!"

"Oh this.. its nothing"


"Whats the occasion?" I rised an eyebrow sitting at the counter near the kitchen. He smiled and continued cooking.

"Eggs and bacon with pancakes for the gentleman" he said almost like a waiter with a handtowel places ar his left arm and the meal at hjs right hand.

"Seriously.. whats the occasion why're you so.. um..happy"

"Arent i always happy?" He placed his meal and started eating

"Well, what is to be happy about anyway?"

"I just found out that jeff bought me the newest Gun Bars comic for me on their way back!!" I almost choke when he was so happy about a guy buying him a 'comic book'

"Pfft.. i could buy you every comic book if you want me too.." i cover my mouth and looked at him


"Nothing!" I sat tall and gave him a trying eye and sighed "who is this jeff you call?" I said curious

"My bud! His my best friend. I love the guy" my chest tighten when he said the L word. I cant believe this guy. After we ate, i notice how quiet the place was as if he had no..

"Where're youre parents btw?" Gideon stoped and looked down. He stayed silent for a while until i realize i shouldnt have asked "im sorry.. i shouldnt have-"

"No.. its fine..its just that theyre-"

"Dead?!" He looked at me wide eyes

"What no!"

"Omigawd im sorry.. i thought.. oh gawd i thought.. i feel so stupid" i blush in embarassment while gideon just laughed

"HAHAHAHA.. dont worry its fine. Its just.." he looks unconfortable with tge situtation

"You know.. you dont have to tell me-"

"No.. its just that.. they abuse me..." i stare at him blankly. Ive known him for a few days but i know how sweet and caring he is. He stayed silent for a while when i saw him shaking. He was turning pale

I came closer and heard hum mubbling. He shake more and tears were falling. I held his shoulders and when i saw his eyes.. they were in great fear....

"Guh!!" I looked at him again. I pulled him closer to me and patted hus head. He returned the hug and cried at my chest.

After the seem like hours. He calm down, i lift up his chinn and looked at his face. He was shock but he didnt bother to look away.

"Um.. Dipper?!"

"You okay?" I said smiling. His eyes lit up and shook his head yes. I lift him up and he looked confused

The more you Hate, The more you Die (Reverse Falls) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now