Whats Lost is Found

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Dipper's POV

Im an idiot, im an idiot, im an idiot!! Im a trouble person! I did this! Why did i even push him away, i never cared bout what people thought of us before so why did i react now

Its been 3 hours already and i could find gideon any where. I was losing hope. If only i have enough strenght to use my magic to find him. But i dont have any, i could walk and all but my magic is weak.

I needed use magic to find him. And i know there's only one way to find him. I closed my eyes and said a chant and as i open them my surroundings and saw everything is black and white, and in front was a golden triangel who changed his form into a man

"Bill Cipher"


Mabel's POV

I have to say living alone is full and all. I could own the place but i just feel so lonely. With dipp dip gone it just doesnt feel the same. I just came back from Gravity Falls to visit Will since i felt so bored. And i never thought he'll be happy. And i also Gravity Falls Pacifica i mean she's pretty and all but mine's better.

My Gravity Falls exprience was really weird. Lucky Stanford didnt need to use any of his inventions on me. And apparently Gravity Falls Dipper is in a relationship Will's brother, Bill Cipher, Gravity Falls Mabel is with Gravity Falls Gideon and weirdy as it sounds they got along and apparently the white pif changed ALOT.

While i was remembering my visit my phone vibrate and i recieve a text from my baby pacifica. I heart hoppes in glee as i check it


ME: HI BABY!!😘😘😘

BABY😘💕: Gideon's missing!!!

My face was in shock. Sure the gleefuls and the pines dont get along but we're all happy now. Both relims. So i was worried over it


BABY😘💕: i dont know! When i went to the clinic since dipper fainted love told me he's missing


BABY😘💕: i dont know! Love just said she saw dipper fainted

ME: oh no.. wait LOVE?!

i was mad. Seeing my baby in a relationship with somebody that isnt me. I cant believe this

BABY😘💕: oh shut up its a friend's name. Lovelyn, love for short

ME: OHHH~~ then call me love

BABY😘💕: whatever love

I smirked let me wait for a while until she realize it

BABY😘💕: AAAHHHH!! You fooles me!! I hate you!!

ME: and i love you😄😄



um.. Maybe being alone isnt so bad


"Hahaha what up gleeful pine tree!!" Bill said having his annoying smile as always. I never liked the guy "hey! Careful what youre saying gleeful!! Forgot i read minds?"

"Why'd ya think im spreading hate"

"You dont know me why im mad! This is why i dont like you!"

"Whatever i wanna made a deal" bill's eyes widen with shock and flew and looked at me

The more you Hate, The more you Die (Reverse Falls) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now