Who we really ARE..

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Gideon's POV


I was in the stage of shock. When he came closer and smiled to me

"You good sweetie?" He said still being that sarcatic and funny guy he is. I gave him a weak smile when my eyes widen in fear.

Jonah looked to his side and saw my dad trying to stand up with rage in his eyes. Jonah glared and levitated my dad and pushing him hard to the wall. Jonah looked back to me and took a piece of bed sheet and covered me

He took me bridal style and he looked at me "ready sweetie?" I looked at my dad unconcious at the coner of the room. Jonah looked to where i was looking and gave me a genuine smile "dont worry he's fine.. lets go?" I nod my head slowly. He handle me carefully and i placed my head at his shoulder

We teleported to my living room. I looked to my sofa and saw mason figetting. He was shaking in fear. He looked to his side and was almost about to have a heart attack when he saw us. He run towards us and took me from jonah. He hugs me tightly and i felt tears falling. Hee holds my hair. He pulls away and held me. And hugs me again.

"Gideon.. dont ever leave me again" i pulled away and laugh at him.

"Silly-" he pulls me to a kiss and i was shock. But my eyes soften and melt to the kiss. We pulled away and we saw jonah smiling at us

"Thanks man" mason said holding me by my waist, giving a fist pump to jonah.

"No problem.." jonah said smiling and chuckling

"Wait wait.. you know something? Whats happening? What are you?!" I said going in between them

"Baby, i would love to tell you but-" he stops and looks up then down and cringe "-first you need to put at else an underwear" i tilt my head in confusion. I turned around and saw jonah turned around. I didnt get ot when it hit me.i looked down and covered my body.

"Aahh..aah- IM SORRY I-i.." both of the guys laugh and i run to my room to change


Dipper's POV

To be real honest.. i dont like the idea of seeing my wife being with any one but of all the people ive met, i trust jonah for my wife. I know it sounds gay.. and i am but this concerns me more than anything. 

I waited for my wife to come back when i saw him wearing a cute light blue tee. I smiled and pulled him


I woke up seeing the house dark. I panic standing up and looking for my gideon. I tried to find him when i knew that monster took him. It started raining and i run searching for him. I couldnt find him. I need to find him

He was lost once i cant lose him again. I told myself. I run far and wide. My tears were building and i couldnt stop it. I didnt want to ask any help.. i felt weak, i felt like a disappointment. I kneel down.. i dont want to give up. And i did the only thing a man could do for his love

"JONAH!! JONAH!! JONAH!!" i was pounding his door but i just couldnt help but worry. Jonah than open the door annoyingly. He stares at me, i hugged him tightly

"For gawd's sake what is it gleeful!" Jonah then looks at me weirdly  until he's eyes widen "come in and tell me what happen.."I went in and saw how simple the house is

"Coffee?" Jonah ask as i sit down

"Please..." he nods and went in the kitchen. I look around and saw the sweet colors and how calming it is "nice home you got here"

"Thanks" he smiled and handed me a cup of coffee

"Youre parents?" I ask taking a sip. He just stared at it. "Sorry"

"Its ok.. what are you goin to say?"

I told jonah everything when i asked for his help. He looks at me weirdly

"What could i do?" I wiped my tears

"I know that you know that you arent human" jonah froze and stayed silent. 

"Dipper what ever it is its-"

"-Its my business cause this concerns gideon. I know you want to protect him too but i just.." i cut him off. He looks at him and calm

"What do you know?"

"Youre a demon.." i said looking at him when i saw his eyes glowed a bit. I gave him a raised brow

"Whats your proof?" I pointed his face than his eyes

"Your eyes.. so now tell me why it glowed?" He smiled then looked down. He raised and looked at me with bright glowing brown eyes.

"You mean this?" I smiled and nod. He also nod and thats when i knew what was in our minds


"Wait so let me get this straight.. youre a demon!?" Gideon said sitting at my lap. He was trying to understand every detail

"I am.. a dream demon to be honest" jonah said looking calm. Gideon nod his head when he stop, gasp and pointed to jonah

"You were reading my mind!!" Gideon said with a tint of pink appearing.

"Well.. i cant say no but i have to be honest.. it was not good" jonah said looking at gideon then me. Gideon blushed more and i didnt get it until i realise what it meant

"Kinky~" i said looking at gideon making him cover his face. We laughed and i remove his hand.

I check the time and saw it was alreadt late. I looked at my wife and told him to sleep. He didnt want to but he did it anyway since he's tired

When he went up, i turned to jonah and thanked him one last time.

"Thanks too" he said as he shakes my hand

"Why so?" I said looking confused

"That you trust me" i blush in embarassment..

"Yo-you read my mind?!" He just laughed and nod

"You know.. i also trust you.. i know you know jeff likes gideon.. but i know he doesnt like him like what you feel.. what i see in jeff is obession and lust.. you dedication and love.. could ya promise me something?" I nod "promise you wont hurt him.. i know you hurt him once but thats how it is.. could you"

"I promise" jonah smiled and was about to leave when

"You know now that wifey knows your secret he cant think properly now.. knowing you'll read it" he laughed

"Guess why i love being me" we wave our good byes and i went up. I change into proper clothes when i saw my wife still awake

"Still awake?" He jumped in surprise and laughed at me

"Yeah.. its just that there was so much drama in just one day.. one freaking day" i came closer and pulled him to a hug

"Hey.. at least we're together" he looked up to me and turned to face me. He held my cheek and smiled beautifully at me

"Youre so adorable.. i cant believe youre mine" he said so smoothly i felt weak at my knees.. thats suppose to be my line. I blushed at that idea "and im happy you felt the same as i" he leans closer and kissed me softly when he made it rough. Either way it was both amazing and i love it. I felt more weak and melt to it. He pulled away and smiled and leaned to my ear to wisper "youre definately a bottom"

I looked at him in shock and now i know i was a tomato. His laugh sound so sexy i want to f-


"why? Dont wanna try being bottom?" He acts like he does ot every day. What the hell did that drug head did to my wife. I pouted and he kissed me again pulling me to bed to sleep

Im so happy.. drama nevwr left us.. but im glad we have this. He os my lover my life. And now know

"I love you.."

I kissed his forehead

The more you Hate, The more you Die (Reverse Falls) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now