The End

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Dipper finally finished the war. Gideon run to his arms as the gave each other a passionate kiss. The group awed. Pacifica looks at mabel and hugs her, mabel blushed in joy and also pacifica. Jonah came back with fanuel and where happy to be together. They all cheered for joy

"You lets go to our place and lets celebrate!!!" They all laugh and agree to go


Everyone was partying. Everyone was happy. The cops finally got there hands at gideons parents and greg. But before greg left be asked for forgiveness who the couple gave and a little something from jeff

Jeff kissed greg making everyone ohed at him. He laughs and went back to the party. Carlos and Chris were happy as ever. Bill had to go back home since pine tree misses him so much. Will had the gleeful mansion as a gift to him. Mabel was happy then ever. Everything looks good.. well almost..

"Guys!!" Jonah came worried making everyone concerned

"Whats the matter?!" Gideon asked

"Well... im having a baby!!"he said happily making everyone surprised.

"Im gonna be a dad?! Im gonna be a dad!!" Fanuel lifts jonah up making everyone laugh. Jonah kisses him

"You are.." they hug each other and all ends well.

The couple went out of the house and sat by the side and look at the stars.

"Never thought tbos was going to happen.." gideon said

"Agree.. guess its destiny.." dipper said looking at him and gideon looking at him too


"So.. dominant huh.." gideon blushed and slaps dipper's shoulder "ow!!"

"Well thats what youre gonna get when you tease.."

"Oh come on.. i'll be glad to be laid by you.." both of the guys laugh and cuddle each other.

Guess this was the ending.. well for there love story that is.. we still have a few more to tackle..

The more you Hate, The more you Die (Reverse Falls) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now