I Broke to pieces and you Fix my mistakes

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Dipper's POV

Love was overrated. You fall and you break.. whats the point of it all. Well i guess now it's different. We're both different.. but i guess that's what makes us special. Ive been a locked door, never opened.. but when i met him ive learn that there are three things in life..  give up, give in or give all..its a choice and thats were i learn what love truely means.

Gideon hums slowly opening his eyes slowly. I looked at him smiling at how cute he is. And how much i love him. He looks at me slowly and smiles at me.

"Morning my beautiful wife" i said making him laugh. We had alot that happen to us yesterday im glad that he was able to sleep after all that drama he had. His dad coming out of the blue and kiddnapping him, jonah turning out to be a dream demon who read my mind, jeff confessing to MY wife.. its too much.. and it all happen in one, one fucking day. HOW?!

"Beautiful? Dont you mean handsome?" He sat up and i also sat up. I took his hand to me making him sit at my lap. Smiling and touching his face. He blushes and leans

"Youre beautiful.. and i mean it" i said making his surpirse and soften his smile, he leans forward and kisses me

"I know.." he pulled and chuckle. Im so happy im with this man. This beautiful man

"Look at the time.. lets get ready" i said trying to stand up when he pulled me in between his legs. His head resting at my shoulder and his arms around my waist. My back was getting chills every time gideon breaths. He leaned closer making the chills affect me really hard(pun intended)

"I think your little friend here doesnt want to yet~" i know my face os beer red cause he starts laughing at me endlessly. This guy really, i made a pout and he laughs. Argh.. if we ever gonna do it i dont know who is the bottom or top

"HAHAHAHA.. im kidding lets go.." he was moving up when i stopped him. He smiles


"Lets go on a date! I mean i didnt even ask you to a proper date yet" i said blushing so hard. He blinked and sat next to me

"But we have school today, mason" ive hated that name for years but it sounds so sexy i could-NOOO

"I mean we had a dramatic day yesterday and we need to chill at least. School could wait but our feelings cant" he smiled and kissed my cheek fast

"Ok... get ready" i smiled and stood up going in the bath room


I waited for my wife at the living room when he finally went down. I smile in awe as i see my love wearing a light blue button down shirt, a dark blue jacket, black pants, and a pair of leather shoes

"Ready?" He nods and i lead him out. He blush as i held his hand. I never thought id be a guy who was doing this kind of stuff

"So where are you taking me?" My wife asked as we got a few glances from people as we walk through reverse falls

"First lets eat. I know a great place to sit and eat." We walked until we got to a diner and took our orders

Gideon got his favorite eggs and bacon with waffles, i took the classic pancakes. I watched my adorable love eat his meal in a smile. I laugh everytime he eats.

We than go to the thearth to watch a movie. Its about monsters and action and i thought my wife would want to watch it. We enjoyed the movie. I couldnt stop but smile.

We than went to an arcade and played for a while. Gideon refuse at first but we playes anyway. I won several times and gave my wife a stuff toy, it was light blue coloured bear with a star at the middle. I smiled thinking how cute gideon would ve if he saw it. When he gave it to him gideon smiled and hugged the stuff bear in joy.

Lastly i than took him to an open space near a cliff. Sounds scary yes but its almost night. And it was perfect cause we lay down amd watched the stars. Gideon was happy to see it. He even made fun of me when he saw the big dipper

"Thanks.." gideon said turningto his side to face me. I looked at him and smiled at his beauty

"For what?" I rested my hand at my palm as i look deeply to him

"For this.. everything. Its amazing" he lays again looking at the stars "mason?"


"What are we?" He turns to me again while i stayed silent for awhile when i respond

"Lovers.. and i mean it. I love you gideon.. i really do. Call it cliché i dont care all i know is.. i love you" i sat up and looked at him. His eyes widen and he blinks three times. He sat up and smiled sweetly when he leans forward to a hug. Both blushing as he hugs me tighter

"I love you too mason.." he pulled away he kissed me slowly and passionately. This is real. No jokes no tricks. It's real. He's real. We're real. And i love it

"Im glad" hugging him again.

"We should go back now. It's getting late..." he stand up before i held his hand and kneeled down. He was panicing on what i was going to done when i took out a ring

"Gideon Pines.. will you be my boyfriend until the time we live and be forever together?" I was looking at his eyes when tears start to fall i stood up and panic "waa?! I didnt mean to make you cry i-" he slaped my shoulder and chuckle

"Stupid! I thought you were proposing!" I laugh

"I am!" I said childishly

"What i meant is a marriage proposal.." he said pouting. I laugh and kiss his forehead slowly

"It will be at the future.." i said softly when he blushed really hard

"Yes" i looked down to him and tilt my head. He laughed at my cuteness and cup my face "yes i'll be your boyfriend and your wife"

"Really?!" He nods and i scream in joy! I pound the air and carried him up he screams in shock and laughs at me. I pulled him down and both foreheads touching "yes, you said yes" he nods and we kissed.

Yeah aparently we had ALOT of kissing. I putted him down and clasp our hands together

"Lets go, wifey?"

"Lets go, hubby"

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