The Battle Begins

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(Mature content you've been warned)

"Gideon.." jonah kneels and placed a hand at dipper but dipper held his hand before he could place it, his eyes widen when dipper pulled him closer to him and holding him by the neck with one hand and the other holding his hand. Fredrick stood and tried to walk over. He pointed at him "stay!" Fredrick then stayed and couldnt move his legs.

Both him and jonah look at him in shock and fear while dipper tighten his grin at jonah's wrist "dipper youre hurting me..." dipper turned at him slowly and jonah was scared to see such cold and souless eyes. Dipper grin creppily and held jonah by his shirt "hurt you?! HAHAHA!!" Will came but dipper glare at him, will gasp

"Dipper?! Ah!" Dipper pushed jonah by the wall. Fredrick tried to get out of the spell but he couldnt

"Does this hurt?!" Dipper said mockingly while laughing at his self

"Dipper! This isnt you!"dipper glare at him and pushed jonah harder making jonah scream at pain. He tried to lift his hands but dipper was fast and turned him around pushing his head by the wall and holding both of his hands tightly

"You dont know me.. you just read minds.. ha youre not even that strong!" Jonah was patting heavily when dipper lean closer enough to give chills to his back. "Isnt this what you wanted?" He leans closer and wispers to his ear

"Leave him alone!!" Fredrick pointed

"Shut up! Unless you want to get hurt!" Dipper glared and his eyes glowed. Fredrick's eyes widen and gasp seeing dipper like this

"Dipper.. will what's happening to him?!" Fredrick asked looking at will with concern

"He's turning to his old self.." will said saddly having no hope in stopping him because of what happen before

"You mean.." fredrick now looks at him with fear

"Yes.. the evil dipper gleeful.." the both look at them helpless

"Whats the matter puzzel?" Dipper asked with mock. Jonah looked at his side and slow glowing eyes, he shivers. Dipper pushed him harder "didnt you like me?"

"No! No i dont-" dipper groan and turned jonah in front of him and he looks at him maddly. Jonah gasp and starts crying when dipper held his face tightly

"Crying like a baby.. HAHAHA.. pathetic" dipper pushed him down and pulled him again "stop crying!!" Jonah just cried more. "I SAID STOP CRYING!!!" Jonah wipes his tears, dipper smirks "good.. good boy" dipper held him and looks at him with emotionless eyes. And pulled jonah closer to him making all of the other guys gasp in shock


Gideon never ran all his life. He hates running because he makes him tired. He stops by a tree and crys more. He screams in pain, he felt like a thousand needles going through his heart. He held it tight when he fells to the ground and starts crying.

A tall guy came walking slowly to him, gideon looks up slowly and clears his vision and stands up

"Gre-g?" Gideon ask with his voice breaking. Greg nods his head opening his arms, welcoming gideon. He sniffs and he ran to greg's arms and crys at his chest

"Shush.. dont worry just let it all out.." greg said with calming eyes and shroking gideon's hair slowly. Gideon nods and greg smirks. He looks up and nod his head in appoval. Fanuel looked away and pain was in his heart


Dipper kissed jonah. Jonah was melting to the kiss but he needs to get away only to have dipper's tongue go straight in his mouth lurking ever inch of jonah's mouth. He knows it wrong but it felt so good. A moan escape to his lips only making dipper harder. Now jonah needs to let go. He took all his strenght and pushed dipper, a string of saliva visible to them. Dipper smirked and wiped it off

The more you Hate, The more you Die (Reverse Falls) COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now