Sleep Over Time

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**Chapter 15: Sleep Over...

When Miya came by we just played video games the whole day. I checked my phone to see what time it was, it was 6 o'clock Miya decides to call her mom to see if she can spend the night and she said she can, but check with my parents.

"Ask my parents right now before they go to bed. And when they go to bed we can invite the boys over through the window in y room because it has a fence ladder." I told Miya.

She left the Layla's room and went downstairs to where my parents were. Few minutes later she comes back into the room "they said I can stay the night under one condition" she sits down on the bed "what is it" Layla asked impatiently "we can't invite the boys" she looks down at the floor. "Shit" I murmured.

Well I'm still going to invite them over later. When my parents are sleeping. "So what are we going to do now? Your parents are still awake and we can't invite the boys over so" Miya said dragging the word 'so'. "Oh I got something...we can prank call people or the boys" I wiggled my eyebrows at them.

"And how are we going to do that when they know our number" said Layla "well that's why there's called *67 duhh" I roll my eyes at them.

"Okay who should we call first" Miya smiled "let's see, we can call James first" I suggested "okay let's do it" Layla said enthusiastically. I pull out my phone and punched in *67 then his number. It started to ring. I put it on speaker phone. Then he finally pick up.

"Hello" he answered "yes hello you ordered a pizza" I said in a high pitched voice "no I'm sorry you the have the wrong number" you can tell from his voice he was shaking his head. "No I got the right number isn't your number 479-358-4803 (fake number in real life)" I wanted to laugh "yes but I didn't order no pizza" he started to get mad.

"Yes you did because this is your number I have written down" Miya and Layla started to laugh but covered their mouth before he hears them. "No I didn't!" He hung up. "Call him again" Layla laughed "I will in a minute" I place my phone down.

"Who else should I could" I asked putting a finger to my chin "umm how about Dez" Miya suggested "okay but you guys call him I gotta go to the bathroom" I stand up and walk out of the room and into the hallway. I walk downstairs to see if my parents are still there. They weren't.

I go to the bathroom and use it. I wash my hands then walk out. When I got back to the room Miya and Layla were rolling all over the floor laughing. "What? What happened" I smiled sitting on the floor with them. "We just got done talking to Dez on the phone and we did that pizza prank you did to James. And he got mad really quick" Miya wiped away the laughing tears from her eyes.

"Okay let's do something else" I said getting bored "like what I don't-" I was cut off by something dropping down stairs. Miya, Layla, and I jumped at the sound and gasped in surprise.

"What was that?" Miya said frantically "I don't know how am I suppose to know

I'm up here with you" I said. I stand up and grab my old softball bat. "Come with me to go check this out" I waved for them to come "come on" I said impatiently "why your the one with the bat" Layla pointed to the bat I was holding. I glared at them. They groaned in protest and stood up.

"What about us? We need something too" Layla said "well go get the two bats you have in your room" I whispered. She goes into her room then comes out with two softball bats. She hands one to Miya.

We continue down stairs. It was dark. I turn on the hallway light, which was very helpful to see. We turn a corner into the living and saw a dark figure. His back was toward us. He turns around, it notices us and started walking toward us, I swung at the person and hit him on the side.

He fell to the floor, I swung again and again, so did Miya and Layla. "Hey hey stop it's me it's me" the person said. I go and turn on the light. I look at the person, and see it was Zak. "What are you doing here" I said helping him up "I was going to sneak into your room but your window was locked so I came in through the window in the kitchen." He gets up with no problem or hurting in pain.

"Why didn't you just call me I would have answered your call, plus I was going to invite you and the others later" we walk upstairs. "Your not hurt from us hitting you with bats" Miya said amazed. I look at him with worried eyes "well yea but you girls hit like...babies" Zak smiles at me "shut up" Layla punches Zak on the arm but it didn't even phase.

"Why don't you invite Dez and James right now" he lays down on my bed with his elbows prospering him up to look at me. I pull out my phone and James, "hey James, my parents are sleeping, come over and hang out with us. Zak is already here" I said keeping my voice low "okay and I gotta talk to you about something" he sounded serious "okay see you soon" I hang up. And call Desmond "hey come over my parents are asleep, James is on his way but Zak is here" I said sitting on the bed next to Zak "okay I'm on my way" he hangs up.

I lay back on the bed. I rest my head on Zak's stomach while he talked to Miya and Layla about planets and the stars. My eyes start to get heavy. I feel something press against my head, I open my eyes to see Zak kissing my head. "Hey you getting tired" he sits up which made me slide down to his lap. "A little bit" I give him a tired smile.

He bends down to give me a kiss, he gives me a light but passionate kiss. He smiles in the kiss "what" I said looking at him confused "you...your funny" he chuckles at me "what did I do that was funny" I smile at him and chuckle "you thought someone broke into your house" he said. I shake my head.

I hear a tap at my window I get up and open it. James steps inside. "Hey I'm glad you made it. Desmond is on his way here" I give him a hug, "hey Miya hey Layla" he hugs Miya then Layla.

"Remember I gotta talk to you later" he whispers to me I nod my head. Go back to the bed. I sit at the end while Zak wraps his arm around my shoulders.

"Hey guys" there was a knock and a whisper at my window Layla gets up to open it up for him. He gives Layla a hug, and Miya a hug. He says hey to us then sits next to Miya, they started talking right off the bat so did Layla and James.

I scoot back to the head board and Zak followed, "earlier you should have played it off as if you were hurt" I whispered to him "well sorry I forgot." "How do you forget're a vampire" I whispered even lower. "Hey at least they don't know" he said smiling. I smile back. He kisses my cheek. "What if you get hungry during the night" I looked up at his eyes. Which were a reddish-greenish-blue color. "That's why I have my snack" is he serious, I felt uncomfortable and scared at the same time.

I give him a worried look and I think he noticed "I'm just kidding I won't do that to you, but seriously I ate before I left. It can hold me off for a while" he kisses my cheek. "Hey you guys let's truth or dare" Desmond suggested I look up Zak. He shrugs his shoulders "okay" I climb off the bed and onto the floor with the others. Desmond finds an empty water bottle. We circle around the bottle, this is the order we sat in: Zak, Miya, Me, James, Desmond, then Layla.

"The rules are we have to do the dare and we have to answer the truth or whatever." Dez gave out the rules then spin the bottle, it landed on...


Sorry I had to end like this. But Vote/Comment/Follow/Fan

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