Sneaking Out Fail

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**Chapter 17: Getting Caught...

**Samantha's POV...

Once Zak and I got back inside, we went up to my room. After arguing with him, about laying on the floor with him, he won. I slept in my bed.

There's been one question that's been bugging me to ask Zak "Zak?" I started "Mmh" he said "do you think about your sister once in awhile" I asked. There was a moment of silence that seemed like an eternity, "of course I do, I think about her everyday she's my little sister...I miss her so much" his voice got soft.

"Do you every wonder what she's doing with her life? Like, if she has a husband or something" I turn to look at him but see nothing but darkness and his red eyes "Yes" he answered. "How old was she again" I asked "she was 14 when the five bad guys tried to rape her, I was 16 when I was bitten, then 6 years later I bit her and turned her, she was 20...I was 22 years-old" he shut his eyes so I couldn't see his eyes.

"Did you stop looking for Legna (La-gena)" I asked him "why don't you get some sleep Sam" he ignored my question and kissed my forehead "Okay" I closed my eyes and slowly sleep was comsuming me.

I could bearly hear what Zak was about to say before I was fully asleep "yeah I'm still looking for her" then I was fully asleep.

I woke up to my father calling my name "Samantha Sabrie Alex!" he yelled, I sit up fully awake "what" I asked in a panicked tone "I thought I said no boys here and you deliberately disobey (Got that off of The Lion King)" he yelled. Everyone is awake "everyone get up and leave right now" he points downstairs.

Once everyone was gone dad turned towards me and Layla "why would you invite them over last night when I said not to" he lowered his voice a little but still yelling "I don't know" I said looking down "both of you are grounded for a month for disobeying my orders. No cell phones, no TV, no computer, or video games" he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Are you serious?! No TV?!" Layla argued "I'm dead serious no TV" he nods his head. Layla groans in anger, and gets out of my bed angrily and stomps out of my room and probably to her room. "And since both of you are grounded. You, Samantha, can't see Zak for a week." He leaves me in my room, alone. I quickly grab my phone and text everybody not to text me for a month because I'm grounded. I called Zak and I explained to him that I won't be able to see him for a week, he was pretty upset about it and wanted to see me but I said no. "I'm going to miss you Sam" he said through the phone "it's only for a week and plus don't run that 'I'm going to miss you' crap like this is the movies or a romance book" I said laughing "what I can't be cheesy about this moment" he laughed "no because this isn't a romance book or a movie, this is reality" I laid back in bed.

"Okay then I won't be cheesy. But I'll let you go, see you later. Love you" he said "okay love you too" then hung up.

Dad came back in and took my phone, my TV, my computer, and my video games. Man, let me tell you I was piss the f-off. I went to Layla's room, she was beating her pillow up by punching it, I looked around and saw that he already took her things. Maybe that's why she was beating her pillow up so bad.

I left her room and went downstairs into the kitchen "good morning sweetie" my mom greeted me once I walked in "good morning mom" I kissed her on her cheek. I pour myself some cereal when my dad came in the kitchen "I'm sorry I had to ground you Sam" he apologizes. I didn't say anything but walked passed him with my cereal. I went upstairs into my room.

**Later During The Day**

All I did today was read in my room. Nothing else. It was about 3 in the afternoon when I heard a knock at my window, I look towards the window confused. I put down my book I was reading and walked towards the window, I open the shades and saw it was Zak.

Really?! I said don't come!

He smiles at me like it's funny, which it isn't! "What are you doing here dumbass" I whispering "I wanted to see you" he smiled. He tries to come in but I don't let him "you seriously have to leave Zak, I'm not trying to get more in trouble and grounded longer" I nudge him to stay outside "what I can't come in for a little bit" he asked "no, Zak when you said you wanted to see me earlier I said no but you came anyway! What's wrong with you" I said yell whispering "you're cute when you get angry" he cooed "I thought you said you were going to stop being cheesy" I grinned at him "I did" he nod his head.

"Since we're not going to be seeing each other for a week," I started "why don't you go try and find your sister" I touched his cheek. "Okay" he leaves my window seal.

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