Found Her

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**Chapter 18: Legna...

It has been a week since I seen Zak and I miss him so fucking much. Yes, I'm still grounded because I let Zak and the other boys spend the night. Dad grounded Layla and I for a month. It's been a week so far.

I was in my bedroom reading On my bed. I heard a tapping noise at my window, I look over at my window and it was Zak. I get up excitedly and open it quickly.

I smile from ear to ear, "I missed you so much" I said as he stand up in front of me. I wrap my arms around his neck. I was about to kiss him but I remembered a week ago (the night they spent the night) when he bit my lip and he freaked out, and won't kiss me for awhile.

How can I not kiss him? He's resistible. So I just hugged him very tight and kissed his cheek. He laughs and spins me around, he kisses the side of my head. He pulls away. "I want to kiss you so fucking bad" I put my forehead against his.

"Me too" he breathed against my face. His breath smelt of mint and freshness. "Please can I" I pleaded with him but he shakes his head. I bite my bottom lip, I kiss his cheek again and try to go to his lips.

I barely kiss the side of his lip and he turns his head "I know what your doing" he smiles. "I just missed you" I play with his hair.

"How about a peck on the lips" I suggested he thought about for a second and nodded his head. I smile and he leaned down.

I felt his soft lips on mine, he pulls away "again?" I asked, he smiles and kisses me again this time lingering them on mine.

I put my hand on the back of his head keeping him from pulling away. Our lips move in sync. He places his hands on my hips pulling me closer.

I pull at his hair roughly, and he groans. He pulls away and pushes me up against my dresser drawer.

He walks between my legs and puts a hand behind my neck. He smashes his lips against mine. And tilts my head to the side roughly and kisses my neck. He nipped at my neck roughly making me moan. His fangs rub against my neck.

I put my hands under his shirt and touch his stomach. "I missed you so much" he whispered. I smile against his lips.

His slender cold fingers touch my hips and snake up my sides.


We lay in my bed in each other's arms. I cuddled up in Zak's side.

"I found her" he said breaking the nice silence, "found who?" I asked playing with the his fingers, comparing our hand size difference.

"My sister, Legna" he whispered excitedly. I freeze and raise up to face him.

I smile at him from ear to ear "Where did you see her" I practically yelled, he puts a finger to his lips and shushes me.

I cover my mouth with my hand, "sorry." I uncover my mouth "I saw her yesterday at the mall" he smiled hugely.

"Tell me how it was reuniting with her again" I asked excitedly and scooted even closer to him.

"I called her name, she turned around. Her eyes got so big, she covered her mouth and ran to me. She jumped on me and cried in my shoulder, she said my name and couldn't believe it was me she was hugging. She kissed all over my face and I did the same to her. And we hugged some more.

Felt like we hugged forever, we were both crying and saying I love yous' and saying I missed you and a bunch of loving things to each other." I had tears in my eyes just imagining it.

I wipe my tears from my eyes "when are you going to see her again" I asked, "today" he said without hesitation.

"Okay, go now. Go see her and catch up on things" I get up off my bed and pull on his arm, he wasn't budging he was rock solid.

"Okay I'm going right now... Is weird that I'm nervous" he asked turning around as he was about to disappear out the window.

"Yeah because you haven't seen her in like centuries, literally" I whispered the last part.

He gives me one last kiss and leaves out the window.

**Sorry I haven't updated in like what 10 months, 5 months, a year maybe. It's just I focused more on my first book "The Wish You Had" trying to complete that book and then created two more books. "Property of Liam Dunbar" and "Mickey" so yeah. Created those books and basically procrastinated about updating this book but never did, until now.**

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