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In a daze from my thoughts I parked my bike Tike and slowly got off. Getting weird looks from my dramatic entrance I avoided eyes of disgust with ease. I was immune to these teenage eyes of theirs that commonly assaulted me. Lets just say I am between accepted in this school and not accepted all at the same time. Oh the skills of these people!

Yeah me..

Wrapping my head around the thought of my mom was making it hurt.

How could she have answered my thoughts? Its not like homo sapiens can magically read minds now.

Pssh I'm just being silly. Its obviously a mother's freaky intuition.

Dragging my lazy ass inside the school was harder than I recalled. The more steps I took the more depressed I felt.

You did it again Merde Elite. Even the people who named you knew you were shit!

I Plugged in my favourite blue earphones to my galaxy and walked through the doors that warned me to go home. I couldn't help but feel sorry for them.They really did have a sad life. They never once got to leave this hell. Forever bound by metal, slowly dying. Paler and paler they looked each day.

'Oh well' I sighed and selected burn baby as I made way to my locker.

Burn baby burn! Disco inferno!

Burn baby burn! Burn that mama down!


My evil laugh coming out during the song blasting in my head. The song spoke to me encouraging my great ideas for this school. Burn! However nothing ever goes my way. Sigh.

Reaching my locker I stopped to admire the design I chose. Seeing it at first I just knew that was what I wanted. It spoke to my inner being, It was just like me. The yellow reminded me of my eyes, the windows of the soul, with the white representing peace opening up to a black, the darkness I felt deep within but couldn't understand.

Clearing my thoughts I opened my locker to remove my maths book along with my chemistry and my all time favourite art supplies.

Wham! The locker shook from the impact, the slamming almost taking my nose with it. Could have sworn I saw my nose cry out from fright. I didn't even have to look to know who it was. My love of all, my favourite person....not.... she aint no Nutella.

I turn to the typical blonde with baby blue eyes, pale skin and a body of a model. I made my face blank waiting not so patiently for her dramatic scene to happen and draw unwanted attention to poor old me.

Internally smirking I watched her turning red, Its funny what a simple no can do. Clara wasn't your typical bully, oh no no no. This bully had a thing for me, oouuu. Let me just fill you all in.

I was walking home one evening, yes walking, and it began to rain. Oh you know my usual great luck. Guess who pulled up to offer me a ride in their red new Mercedes. You got it, Clara. How could I say no to a ride in a Mercedes, not to mention the rain was pouring so really, how could I have said no. I should have said hell no.

The car smelt new all over and had freshness suffocating me. The leather seats heater warming me up to the core. At the time It didn't even cross my mind how odd it was that she offered me a ride since we weren't exactly friends. That is until her hand rested on my thigh of course. I forced myself to not think much of it and stared out the window shifting her hands from their location on my property. I guess the message wasn't clear enough since her hand starting traveling, crossing the fence of my skirt.

'What are you doing?' I not so politely asked. How could I be polite when I was practically freaking out over what was going on! She was invading privacy without any care. That too my privacy without my permission.

She pulled over the car to a stop and began moving closer, pushing my skirt up and attempting to kiss me. Of all days to wear skirt I had to choose that day. I had to escape and I had to fast. I looked out the window to see the rain had stop falling and we were near my house. Finally something went my way. I pushed her off me screaming no, her head slamming into the window giving me my chance to escape. I opened the door and ran out to the safety, somewhat, of my home. I never understood what she saw in me.

She has had it out for me ever since I denied her what she wanted. Everyone assumes she's only into men but I, unfortunately, know better. The miserable life she seeks to give me a constant reminder.

I guess there really is a thin line between love and hate.

Closing the space between us she whispered 'No one rejects me'

Hello my people, I am no one.

She smirked and left. Quite odd actually. Something was definitely up.

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