Chapter 3

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My bestfriend Linda called across the school. Damn that girl's mouth was loud.

That's what he

Don't you dare!

I shot a glare at my dirty mind.

Brown curls bouncing towards me, her grey eyes shone brightly and her pink lips formed a huge grin. Her long legs carried her petite body quickly to me, her long arms embracing me, surrounding me with her cherry scent.

'Girl I missed you so much. How's it been? Anything new? Met any guys huh?'

'Whoa slow down, it was only the weekend you dramatic psychopath.'

The bell screamed before I had the chance to say anything else. I rushed off to class after bidding her goodbye.


Oh the pain, oh the agoooonnnnny. Really learning was fun, I mean who doesn't like being locked in a hot room sitting on uncomfortable chairs not to mention listening to my annoying maths teacher Mr. Bugger. Who puts maths first for the day. Which evil made these schedules, honestly.

Madness Attacking The Head Slowly

Tell me about it

The back of the class was my everything. Of course the teachers always loved to call on the back but that shall never demotivate me. I am strong, I am powerful, I can make it. I can achieve all things. I am know what I'm just lazy today.

I sit with my head down slowly clicking my pen, not even doing the work. Mr. Bugger had the brilliant idea to let us calculate with our brains alone to improve our math skills. What are calculators made for though?

'Miss Tanzanna Gonzalez what is the answer to my question?'

I couldn't help but scoff looking at the so call easy equation, my face showing its clear disgust.

Young lady!

The bell blasted through the school.

Damn I love that bell.Sadly it hurts my damn ears.

'Bye Mr. Bugger. Look I know you're going to miss me, don't cry. There's really no reason to look at me so longingly, turning red and all. Shame on you sir, shame!' I exclaimed as I left the lovely room first hearing the chuckle off my classmates.

Tanzanna you..!

I guess we'll never know what words he spewed. Honestly he loves me, he just doesn't know it yet.

Skipping happily, in my mind at least, I rushed to my last class before you know, food!

Hey bitch!

Before I knew it I was racing face first towards my ex. I got to say I thought me and him broke up long ago but apparently were being reunited by this person's foot.

Hello floor, long time no meet.

Get up you fool.

Chuckling to myself I stood turning to see who tripped me. It was hard to tell who it was when I was surrounded by a group of laughing hyenas. Before I knew it eggs were smashed on my head getting all in my hair and dripping down on my favourite jacket. As I said before, not exactly accepted.

I took deep breaths and left the scene heading towards the bathroom to salvage my state for the remaining of the day. Guess I'm skipping chemistry class then.

Linda heard what happened and came to help me get clean. It was hopeless. Nothing could get the eggs out off my hair and the smell was repulsive. I sat there looking at myself while talking with my bestfriend. We both have given up on the situation that the wide stretching mirror on the grey walls kept taunting me with. For the first time in my life I wasn't excited to get food.

The bell rang and we both left for lunch. I was the laughing stock of the school, just one of those days I guess.

Joining the line we bought burgers and two grape juice, my favourite. The colour not that far from black. The thought made me smile for a second before completely vanishing. I looked around the cafeteria to see the usual set up. The popular people in the middle and their fans surrounding them like they were royalty. My eyes met with a certain deep sea blue eyed boy with black hair, kissable lips and the body that had boys envying. I quickly adverted my eyes feeling the glare of Kera beside him boring into my skull.

Linda grabbed my hand and dragged us off to our little seat in the corner of the giant room. I could feel eyes on me but I didn't dare look back, my head held forward by fear. Butterflies came alive in my belly.

Sitting down Linda put on her know it all smirk.

'You like him don't ya?'



Making me face blank I gave her my best are you serious look,' no I don't '

'Yes you do.' she said in a sing song voice.

So I did but she didn't need to know that.

'So how's Jack'

I knew exactly how to distract her. Easy really just bring her boyfriend up and she starts rambling. They really are cute together.

Haha sucker

I mentally stuck my tongue out at her.

Soon lunch was over and it was art time. I loved that class with all my heart. I could do anything I wished.' Let out your inner self' Miss Arity always said. I however don't feel like my inner being should be showed today and shall paint something silly. I grabbed the brush and yellow paint and looked at my white canvas then at the banana on the desk. Tilting my head I saw a duck hiding behind it. An idea struck me instantly.

I have a banana, I have a duck,



Chuckling I painted my brilliant piece, the definition of me.

Class ended way too soon releasing me into the painful crushing claws of this world. Leaving me to dye, suffering. Well the best part was coming soon. Home! I couldn't wait to ride Tike.

I rushed to my locker in record time putting away my books and grabbing Linda with only one goal in mind. Home ,home, home! I ran over to my bike stopping suddenly before reaching my joy.

There standing beside my bike was Clara holding a spray paint about to do her very own art piece on MY BIKE! Upon on closer observation I realized my tires were all slashed and a few green drawings of absolute crap on my bike. It's perfect black coating completely ruined.


That's all that I could feel all over my body. An anger like no other rapidly consuming me, boiling my insides. I could feel the blood bubbling in my veins and my heart aggressively thumping against my chest. My lungs expelling warm air through my nose. I closed my eyes and tried counting to ten. Only making me angrier by the minute, their laughter traveled to my ears. I felt a fire ignite in stomach, my head spinning.My insides burn fiercely screaming at me to inflict pain. It felt like something was taking over and I was fighting to keep in control. My fingers curled into fist drawing blood from my palms, my body shaking.

The place went completely silent, not a person spoke.

Μείνε ακίνητος

I took a deep cool breath feeling a calm inside and opened my eyes. eyes.

Omg your eyes are glowing!


Speaking of glowing, have you seen the lights on the christmas trees. Breath taking. Vote and commenty.

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