Chapter 4

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I ran.

I ran to my house with inhumane speed. Zooming pass trees and houses, the wind violently slapping me in the face. I ran inside my house, my fifteen minutes travel only taking me two minutes.

What just happened?!

Why am I home already?!!

What did Linda mean by my eyes glowed?!

I was royally freaking out looking at my bloody palms decorated with crescent shaped cuts. I rushed to my bedroom slamming the door shut and running into my bathroom. The blue walls which usually calmed me down did nothing to help my situation as sweat began to form on my face.

I stared at my reflection in my mirror above the sink, the image before me shocking me even more. My eyes were in deed glowing with a bright gold, so bright that it hurt to continue looking at my reflection. In a blink off an eye I was on my bed.

What's happening to me?

I screamed and pulled my hair trying to wake up from this nightmare. Clutching the sheets tightly between my hands, getting blood all over them I tired to calm down. Maybe if I am calm I can understand what's happening. Maybe I'm just having a panic attack with hallucinations. Yeah that was it, hallucinations. I took deep breaths getting my breathing under control.

I closed my eyes thinking of food. It always had a way to calm me down and that was exactly what I needed. Opening my eyes I realized I was in the kitchen. I screamed.

This was real, this wasn't a nightmare. I closed my eyes again thinking of my blue bedroom with my comfy bed with white sheets in the middle. I opened my eyes again to find I was on my bed.

Your going crazy, this is the end.

Maybe this is something that happens before you die.

I felt the bed to ensure it was real and it was. Violet decorating my bed in the form of hand prints. I looked down confused as to where they came from. Then it hit me like a ton of bricks. It was my blood. MY BLOOD!

How could it be violet?

All along I have been asking the wrong question.

What am I?

Feet pounding to the sink I wash away what I think is my blood. No cuts, no bruise, nothing. I stared utterly speechless and lost. Confusion taking over leaving my tiny brain spinning, my eyes now a dimmer glow.

In a daze I walked to my bed wrapping myself within the sheets. My body trembled from the unknown, the house wrapped in a painful silence. My mom wasn't home yet and I was all alone, I hoped at least.

Maybe if I sleep it will all disappear when I wake

I tired to convince myself, but somewhere deep within I knew the truth.

I closed my eyes.



Spinning I looked around. Complete darkness. I loved black but this was scary.

A cold chill ran up my spine, a breeze in the void blowing my black hair away from my face. It whispered to me but I couldn't understand. What was it saying? I struggled to hear. Words taunted me, swimming around in the ocean of blackness singing catch me if you can and I, was a slow swimmer.

Screaming. All around I could hear children screaming at me begging for my help. Begging me to save them. A small girl appeared before me dressed in a small white dress all tattered and smudged with dirt, her black hair covering her face. She lifted her head and I screamed a silent scream. She had no eyes but stared deep within my soul, her face made of stone. She tilted her head looking at me making my heart race with fear. She had vines for hands which were now reaching up towards me. I turn to run but before I could she pushed her hands into my body.

I gasped feeling her hands searching around within me. She stopped having found what she was searching for and squeezed. My breath caught in my throat, my eyes letting out beams of gold into the darkness. She finally let go off whatever it was, her stone face forming an odd smile. She vanished and I began falling.

Searching for something to catch me I tired to stop my fall, it was helpless. Nothing was there but complete darkness. I suddenly stopped, floating on air. The screams got louder shouting at me. Cold liquid ran down my ears the violet glowing. I held my ears trying to protect them from the pain of the screaming all around me .Claws grabbed my legs pulling my into a pit. The darkness pulling me free from its grasped. I fell to my knees.

You know me. You are me.

Embrace me.


Panting I sat up straight in my bed trying to understand my dream. I just couldn't. It didn't come as a surprise as I wasn't the smartest of persons around. I looked around to realize a big claw print on my legs, the mark vanishing quickly. I took a deep breath, seems am doing that a lot lately, and pretended nothing happened.

Hearing my mom driving up and I went down to meet her. I hugged her while she gave me a strange look. I was sure my eyes weren't glowing as I made sure to check and I even checked for the strange violet. Nothing. I didn't understand why she stared at me that way.

'How was work?' I asked her.

Work was great actually, I hunt, I collect and I conquer.

I had no idea what she meant since she refused to tell me what she did but I congratulated her none the less.

I just need to forget all this and get some rest. I'm just stressed.

I went to wash up while mom cooked dinner. Getting out of the shower the delicious smell spread around the big house. Mom had cooked up some pasta with her special sauce. Sitting down I took some, It tasted heavenly. All my problems melted away.

She sat down in front of me eating away quietly then looking around like she expected to see someone. I could have sworn I saw her sniff the air but I was too engrossed with my food. She sniffed again her eyes flashing with something that my hungry self made me miss. She suddenly stopped eating and stared at me with narrowed eyes, her hands squeezing the life out of the fork.

Rest in peace Mr fork.

She slammed the fork on the plate cracking it.


Oh my Lord, she's losing it. She's going nuts. Help!

Or is she? Muhahahaha

Votey Votey

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