Chapter 6

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'Mom are you okay?'

She got up from the seat and began searching the house sniffing as she went along.

'Mom what are you doing?'

I think she has lost it

'I haven't.....nothing honey am just doing a little inspection of the house. Got to make sure it's safe and all.' she said waving me off.

That's weird its almost as if she was about to answer my question.

Lillie ran up the stairs two at a time and burst my white door open, the unicorn sign barely managing to hang on for dear life. Looking around the ocean of a room she entered the bathroom taking a deep breath in. I followed behind her at a safe distance just incase she was in fact losing her mind. I mean I wouldn't want her to take whatever is happening out on me.

'Who did you bring home?'


'What do you mean by who did I bring home, I didn't bring home anybody.'

'Don't you dare lie to me young lady, who did you bring home with you!?'

'I don't know what your talking about!'

Looking me deep in the eyes she stopped shouting at me and walked out of the room leaving me standing clueless.

'I want answers now young lady.'

Gesh was this lady deaf or something I already have enough problems without her accusing me of shit.

Lillie ran to her bedroom throwing the doors wide open as if expecting to catch someone in action on her bed doing who knows what. I swear this lady is as crazy as it gets. She rampaged the entire second floor searching for I don't know, maybe her shadow. Personally I hoped she was searching for her damn sanity within these walls although I doubt they're white enough.Suddenly she burst through the doors of the library face glowing red.

'Move out of my way you worthless piece of crap! she bellowed as she slamed my body into the wall brutally before storming down the stairs, the iron of the start of the railing digging into my back.

I winced from the pain shooting up my spine as I listened to her footsteps hurrying away. Tears glistened in my eyes but I refused to shed a single tear. Her small words and physical affections of pain would not bring me down.

Gathering myself I slowly made my way down the stairs, my back straight and head held high despite the complaints of my spine.Before me my mom stood frozen, tears streaming down, with a look gradually consuming her face. A look I have only seen once and for only one. A look of pure passion,admiration and nothing but pure utter love. Knowing exactly what this meant I didnt share the same childlike enthusiasm or passion.Well, atleast not for the same reasons as I had a newfound passion for getting the hell out of here.

Lillie ran off into open arms quickly savouring the embrace she had long longed for. Tanzanna's face tried hard to decide between disgust or fear.Heart cripling fear was winning.

This can't be happening

Hello daughter.


What do you think sperm donor here wants? A second chance.

I am your father


Curtesy of toy story. Votey Motey

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