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I looked around searching for the little piece of ass that would do such a thing.

Did they not see the determination for food in my eyes!

My vision was being clouded by a red haze that I tried to blink away desperately as I searched for the individual who would be the victim of my wrath. My mind raced thinking of all the shit I would do to them to make them sorry. I may not have powers but I sure as hell knew how to pack a punch.

Let's just hope they're not too powerful so I can smash their face in.

My eyes zoomed in on the one and only with a devious smirk on their face.


If it wasn't this bitch.

First she wanted to get between my legs now she's getting between me and my food. I will kill her!

Μείνε ήρεμος

Keep calm! What the hell do you mean by keep calm!

I listened to you the first time and I was still. I calmed right down like a good child. Not this time.

I'm tired and hungry and that's not a good combination for me!

And what's up with these random two two words and who are you in my damn head. I already knew I was crazy but this is a whole next level.

Μείνε ήρεμος

Fine! This is just wasting time I could be getting food anyways.

Really is it necessary to treat me bad. Geez.

Standing up I brushed off my clothes placing the brightest of smile on my face. Keep calm Tazanna. I mean we wouldn't want to get scolded by your own mind now would you. Just keep calm and walk slowly towards those cafeteria doors. No sudden movements or you might just blow.

Just think about the food on the other side. You can do this girl just walk by her without a care in the world. Do not look on that stupid smirk. Don't do it. Breathe. Good breathe. No sudden moves. Breathe. Walk. Breathe. Walk. Breathe.

This is your moment of truth. Step by step now. Hey your almost fully pass her.Go girl, it's your birthday.

'Useless bitch'

I turned around swiftly,grabbed her golden locks and slammed her head into the nearby lockers.

The sound echoed through the halls.

Well I made it three quarters of the journey.

Aren't I a good girl?


Or a Tasmania devil but who am I to judge?

TAZANNAWhere stories live. Discover now