Chapter 3

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(n.) a symbol usually written or printed representing a speech sound and constituting a unit of an alphabet


Camila Cabello

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Time really flies fast when you're busy. It's been six months since I opened my dance studio, I was already able to hire someone who can manage it while I'm away so I have more time in my hand. That's what I like about being an owner of a business, you could just hire help so you could also get a life.

Life. We've all been busy with our own lives after the opening of my studio, so the gang only had the time to hang out once every 2-3 weeks. I am starting to get bore, since the last time I had my dreadful dream I never get the same dreams again. As crazy as it my seem, I kind of long for the woman of my dreams. I mean a literal one because she's in every one of those six dreams. So I have a weird attachment issues I guess.

Today is Saturday and I decided to just stay at home. I was checking my social media accounts when an idea suddenly popped out of my mind. I opened google and search for the meaning of dreams, but I don't actually know on what to search because I have bizarre ones. I just tried to search for the meaning of each, like running or dying from a gun shot, the recurring dream of dying and the recurring person.

Running away meant I was avoiding something, I decided as irrelevant or a danger to me.

Dying from a gun shot meant I failed or was overpowered by someone or was taken by surprise.

Recurring dream of dying meant there was something about my innermost self and feelings that I should change to cope with fear and grasp the reality.

Recurring dream about the same person signified the attachment you have with the person.

I was piecing together all the things that I read on google to the last statement Dinah dropped at dinner six months ago. And I realize there's an actual logic in them. I was always running away because I am avoiding death, and I feel helpless every time when there's someone aiming a gun at me, my fear for the unknown and lacking the capacity or will to change it and the attachement I have to that woman that I can say is extreme in some levels. But why do I stopped dreaming about her after the sixth one?

I was deep in my discovery and investigation when I was startled by the buss of the doorbell, I got up and peeked on the peephole and saw a UPS guy, I assumed because he's wearing a brown polo shirt. I open the door and..

"Hi there, are you Camila Cabello?" He politely asked.

"Yes, I am" I answered.

"There's a package for you. Please sign here" he in formed me while giving me the copy of an invoice and an inch thick envelope.

"Who's this from?" I asked not expecting anything but signing the paper.

"The sender prefers to be anonymous Ma'am" he said taking it again and tapping his hat as goodbye.

"Thanks" I muttered before closing the door behind me and locking it again for safety.

While I was walking towards the couch again I inspected the thick brown old looking envelope with no stamp or name from the sender, just my name etched on the back. I was doubtful at first but was also intrigued, so I slowly cut an opening on one side of it and peeked inside and saw piled papers. I opened it all up and I was surprised to see a number of letters. What are these? There's like a hundred, more than a hundred maybe a thousand of them. All enclosed on a old looking envelopes some are almost brown. I examined each letter and found out each of them has a date. What's creepier was it was all in the same date, but with a different year.

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