Chapter 28

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(v.) to give knowledge or understanding to (someone) : to explain something to (someone)


Camila Cabello

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"I wrote a story." She said while we're still in bed, we're both laying flat on our backs and staring at the pristine ceiling of our London suite.

"Really? Tell me about it." I answered shifting to my side facing her.

"You promise not to laugh?"

"I'll try." I teased.

She softly chuckled and momentarily paused before starting...

"There was once a couple, named Arwen and Persephone. Arwen has always been sure of one thing, Love. Arwen's the type of person who would jump for opportunities thinking it's meant to be. While Persephone the type who would always stay back because of uncertainty. And then one day, they had an argument, Arwen walked out on Persephone hoping - expecting Persephone would ran after her because she's always sure of fate. But Persephone took pride to it and felt nothing but hate. They were separated. Persephone took Space. Arwen took Time. Never knowing, because they never asked. Persephone then spaced out so far. Arwen thought for so long. They eventually moved on. They healed. And then they meet again. They smiled at each other. The smile of acceptance. The smile of coming home. No one said a word. They just know. They just connected. Arwen took another leap for Persephone. And this time Persephone was sure, she would never let go".

I just looked at her. And then she looked at me and smiled. And I do too. No one said a word. We don't have to. We just know. We just connected.

• • •

After the dramatic revelation at Lauren's house, I went home. I think it's best if I just take a break. And to clear my mind I called Dinah.

Dinah: (Hello Mila? Where are you? I'm here with Lara and--)

Me: (Lauren...)

Dinah: (What? What did you just say?)

Me: (You're with Lauren... you were right all along... she's real and she's there with you...)

Dinah: (I don't understand you Mila, I'm coming over... where are you?)

Me: (Home.)

Dinah: (I'll be there in 30.)

After half an hour of waiting I heard a light knock from the door. I stood up slowly, the chains I felt are heavier now than when I was in the basement.

"Mila." Dinah softly said like saying 'I know, I'm here'.

And for the nth time I broke down, she enveloped me into a tight hug.

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