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Camila Cabello

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Not all people are given enough time to meet their soul mates for a second chance after they let them go. Some would settle with whoever comes their way thinking it is for the best, others would stay single for the rest of their lives and still other would be confronted and heart broken because their soul mates are already married to someone else. But in every ending they find their new beginnings.

It has been three years since I met Lauren, since she suddenly dropped by my dance studio in her cool rocker chick outfit inquiring and enrolling for a very out of character dance lessons, since we became friends, since I opened my mind and heart to the statistical probability of destiny and soul mates I once mocked, since I was revered by the surreal reality that she's lived a hundred lifetimes for the love of me. Since the dreaded accident that has almost taken her life and since I let her go to set her free from the curse that's holding us back right from the start.

It's also been a year now since she popped into our favorite cafe on the same day I was imagining all about her and she entangled herself in my life again just like the last time. And no matter how lousy and lame I describe our every meeting was, what happens after was always strong and fevered by the unaltered and restless strings that's tied around the small of our pinkies to the whole of our souls. The only difference then was, she remembered and I don't and now it's the other way around. But I'll always be gratified for the second chance we're given although it took us years, in the end we found each other. And that's what matters, more than any heartaches and hours, days and months of waiting.

I always thought to myself that if I have the power to write a decent recount of our love story like the way Lauren can weave and play with words, I'd gladly immortalize ours into papers and ink and I'd offer it to her wholeheartedly.

But that ability was and will always be Lauren's. It's a charm that has made me fell head over heels for her.

I've always thought a love like ours was different, I can't describe it with mere words, like beautiful or untamed or long waited. I describe it with trinkets I can associate, with what this love has made us feel.

Sometimes I think of it as the sturdy foundation of a house eternally needed and ready to protect. Or it's the delicate thread sewn together always present but invisible at the same time, small yet essential. Or it's the spark before the blazing fire rage on without it, there's nothing. It's all about the little atom of every matter. It's all about the little quirks and imperfections unique to the love only us have. That makes everything more special.

And today I am going to prove her once again how much I love her. I may have not been able to have our love story published as the gift I intend to. But I'm going to give her the only gift she would love to receive today, which all of me and I best hope it'll be enough.

"Mila? I was sent to check on you, to give you this. And oh my god Chancho! You're ravishing!" Dinah overly reacted as she entered the room I am in. I smiled at her and nodded.

"Cheech you really look good too." I affirmed her.

"Not as good as you! I mean you're breath taking!" I laughed at Dinah's further amusement.

"Stop drooling. What do you have for me?"

"Right! Here..." She walk closer to me and handed me a brown hard box tied with white and black laces.

I looked at her unsure but she just widely smiled like she's seen what's inside.

"It's from your future wife." Dinah stated the obvious.

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