Chapter 13

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(n.) the ninth month of the year


Camila Cabello

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After my petty attempt to take what's mine from the filthy grasp of the pretentious slut, I never saw Lara again. As devastated as I was supposed to feel, I am also dumbfounded because I never thought she would leave me behind without even explaining or a proper closure. I mean, am I that easy to forget about?

Maybe because she doesn't really loved you Camila.

Maybe because she's not that high and holy or even cool.

Maybe because she's pretentious as well. They belong together.

Or maybe... because she and I really don't belong together.

I am in the phase of moving on now with no idea if I ever would, but then mourning over lost love isn't my thing right from the start.

Good thing Dinah's there, as always. Every time I seem to relapse and miss Lara, she just knocks some sense into my head and I'll remember how hurt and angry I am at her.

I've noticed a bit of changed with my group of friends actually, from being individually busy with our own lives and me always checking on them; it suddenly turned around. The whole of my September was full of them.

I mean on the first week, Shawn took me as his date on an awards night for the top 10 young men in business of the country. He also made sure I was busy every single day. Gym. Road trip. And hicking. Heck of a week aye.

On the second week, Mani dropped by my apartment unannounced. She brought me my favorite foods and apologized for what happened at the PUB, I forgave her since me and Lara aren't together anymore and I really love this girl too much to stay mad at her any longer. She then kept me busy by shopping, eating out for the whole week. Spa and salon packages.

On the third week, I was expecting for Dinah or Ally calling me to do whatever. I am already having a feeling that they really orchestrated everything. But then I let them be. And as expected, Ally called me asking me for a week with her at her parents in mexico and she said I could maybe drop by and visit my own family too. I was hesitant at first because of my commitments and business, but then she assured me that everything is being taken cared off so I agreed. I think I really need some time off.

I was welcomed by my family in LAX. We decided to spent the first three days of the trip with our repective families; her in mexico and me in Miami. After three days we decided to visit Las Vegas, we just toured around the city and did what every normal tourist do, like buying stuff we want but we don't really need. We spent a day at her parents house and she toured me at her favorite places in Mexico, in return on our last day we stayed at my parents house and I toured her in Miami. It was a great escape actually, there's never a dull moment with Ally.

After our short holiday, we came back to resume with our daily lives. I just got settled back in my apartment when I received a call from Dinah.

Dinah: (Hey Chancho! You home right?) She greeted me overly sounding enthusiastic.

Me: (Hi Cheech, are you spying on me?) I answed sheepishly.

Dinah: (Na uh, I have a psychic abilities remember? Girl you're getting old! You badly need to get laid, your circuits ain't working properly.) I probably looked like a deer in a headlight, shocked by the words that she used to insinuate what I lack off. I probably zoned out too long for her to call out on my name.

ME: (What is it? Why did you call? You're right on schedule.) I hinted, and just shrug off her comment on my sexual life.

Dinah: (What are you talking about? Is it wrong to check on you, my little sunshine?) She laughed.

Me: (Do you really think that I'm that slow CheeChee?You guys are keeping me so busy and bounded to so many things in the past weeks. You really think I wouldn't know?) I accusingly stated.

Dinah: (Woah, hold your horses Mila. Maybe we missed you that much since you know, Lara happened.) She said and I can almost see her rolling her eyes. I did flinch at the mention of her name though, but I easily shugged it off. I'm doing pretty great at this thing called 'moving on'.

Me: (Alright, sorry my bad. But whatever this is that you guys are up to, is really appreciated.) Because it does. It really do. Being with them made me realize that I am not alone and that I am being loved by many people, people who are really important in my life.

Dinal: (Very well then. I'll pick you up tomorrow, we're going somewhere.)

Me: (Wait. I was gone for a week, let me drop by the studio first.) I protested.

Dinah: (Okay no worries. Studio first then we'll go somewhere.) She reiterated, I sighed in defeat.

Me: (Yes. Then we'll go wherever you wanna go.)

Dinah: (Yey! Okay now go and have your beauty rest. Buh-bye soul-sister!) I just laughed while shaking my head.

Me: (Bye Cheech. Thanks again.) And I hit the call end button and headed to wash up and have my beauty rest as per Dinah's words.


• • • On the other side of the world • • •


Dinah Jane Hansen

° ° °

(Hello Dinah?)

• • •

"Yes, hello Lauren."

• • •

(She's back?)

• • •

"Yeah. She's feeling better. Although getting a bit suspicious about us keeping her busy. But she appreciates it. How are you?"

• • •

(Good to hear that. I think things will be better off this way Dinah.)

• • •

"You sure? You won't give it another try?"

• • •

(Not this time. But then I'll continue finding answers. Anyway, thank you for keeping your promise Dinah. Bye.)

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