Chapter 4

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(v.) to refuse to obey (something or someone)


Camila Cabello

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"This is obviously a joke Mila! Are you with them?" She asked and started to raid every part of my apartment "Shawn! Mani! Ally! Get out. Right now! Or I swear to God you won't be liking any off my hard slap!"

"This is real Dinah" I sigh "I just don't know what to do, so I called you because I'm actually losing my mind" I half screamed then collaps on the floor sobbing.

"But I don't understand all these Mila. These are actual letters of love for you that dated back when not even your great-great-great-great grandparents were born for god sake" she exclaimed while picking me up from the floor and walking me towards the couch.

I sat down hugging my legs close to my chest staring at the pile papers and envelopes overflowing my coffee table as if it's going to engulf me anytime.

"Have you read all of if?" She asked now more calm.

"No. Just the first one, the oldest" I said almost a whisper.

She sat down beside me and put her arms around me. She paused for a moment also staring at the mess I made.

After a few minutes, she crouch down in front of the table and typed something on my laptop.

"What are you doing?" I asked and there's a sudden change of hexpression on her face from unsure to I don't know anger? confused? She's still typing with unnecessary intensity on my mac book then she turn to me and eyeing me with concern.

"I am going to trace the sender" she in formed me "while I'm on it, have something to eat for tonight. Have some coffee too, tons of them."

"What? Why? What are we doing?" I bombarded her with questions and getting off the couch.

"We are going to read all of these Mila. It's not delivered to you for nothing. These are actual letters, this is something serious" she uttered with a hind of nervousness.

"But what if it's just a prank or something" I said in denial.

"Whatever this is Mila, we need to find out who sent you these. So let's start?"

"Okay, I'll just call for a delivery"

After 15 minutes our pizza had arrived. I am currently munching on my 3rd slice of pizza while she's still tracking the sender and I was reading the 3rd letter when suddenly heard her phone rang.

"Hello Austin?"

"Yeah, I kinda need your help. Do you know anyone in the intelligence unit or someone who canbon dates stuff?"

"Uhh, It's kinda complicated though, so can you get me someone? Really? Sure thanks! Bye" she ended the call and return to our work place.

"Who was that? And what's with the carbon dating?" I asked while holding the 3rd oldest letter, she slowly took the letter from me and said..

"Mila, we need to know if these papers are as old as the written date on them. We'll need carbon dating".

I just nodded in response, suddenly I don't know who this Dinah is. I know she's interested in my dreams and she always seem to have an explanation for them. She's a wide reader of everything and by everything I mean almanacs, atlases, encyclopedias and other hard bounds. But I've never seen this side of her, all serious and investigative because she's our joker, the life of the party and the group.

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