Chapter 6

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(n.) a controlling force or influence


Camila Cabello

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Thursday. Today is Lara's first session of basic interpretative dance, which I thought from the start is out of her character. Because basically she's -- well maybe a bit masculine or boyish? That she might have been more interested to martial arts or racing of some sort, but then I don't know her well enough to judge. So let's just see what'll happen today yeah.

She's my last session for the day, same with her other schedules. I don't actually stay this late at the studio, I usually leave around three or four in the afternoon if I'm not too busy with my other sessions or paper works. So what I'm basically saying is I am making her an exception.

It was around three o'clock when Sandra asked me if she can go home early because of some family affair and since there's no other scheduled activities today I let her be.

I still have two hours to wait for Lara, so I got some time to kill. I went out to buy something to eat and walked straight back to the studio since Sandra has already left.

I was listening to some song with my earphones on while walking back when I notice a familiar leather jacket, Rough rider jeans and Dr. Martens wearing figure leaning gracefully on a black Ducati superbike in front of my studio. It's Lara. Wow. I was still a few blocks away but the background of the hustling people and cars rolling to and for doesn't stand a chance againts a Ducati ads photo shoot material model by the side of the road. She's still wearing her aviator glasses and holding her helmet. Perfect shot. Can you imagine it?.

I glance at my watch, it was just four o'clock she's more than professionally punctual for a student who paid full for double sessions of dance classes.

I was still a few feet away when she straighten up, removing her aviators and expectantly looking at me with a playful smirk. Wait what?

I slightly shook my head at the silly thought and walked closer to her. "Hi! You're rather early!" I greeted.

"Yeah, I just don't want to be late. I thought you forgot about me" she said looking at me intently with her bright green eyes as if she's saying something more with her eyes. "The door were locked" she added and pouted. Oh my god!

"Oh sorry. Sandra already left and I wanted to buy something to eat since I'm alone, I need to lock it" I apologize.

"If that's the case, you're forgiven" she smiled and winked.

"Is this yours?" I asked with astonishment while ogling over her bike.

"Yeah. She's new" she smile, looking proud of her expensive ride. Well who wouldn't.

"She?" I snorted.

"Yeah. You see Camz I like to refer to them as a being, so I name them. So this bike here is Carmen. Pretty cute right?" She said even prouder with the up and down movement of her brows which I do find cute. But something caught my attention more.

"Camz?" I blurted. Nobody calls me camz it has always been Mila. But it sounds ... no, it felt too familiar which oddly sends shivers down my spine.

I saw her eyes widen then a look of panic was written on her face. I suddenly felt guilty that maybe she's just trying to be more friendly since we will be spending a lot of time together. Alone.

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