Chapter 29

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(n.) an expression of good wishes when someone leaves

Adieu to the love we deserve


Lauren Jauregui

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The sun was still up and the air was humid again when Camila and I landed on the busy airport. We're welcomed by our friends all eager to see us and to know every detail of our trip, especially when Camila raises her left hand with pride.

I felt proud of it too, not that I can soon finally wed her but because she looks genuinely happy and it showed in her eyes, those dazzling brown orbs. Which sent my heart warmth and butterflies in my stomach. It's her, just being her, which makes me fall for her more each passing moment.

We agreed for a catching up dinner courtesy of my Camila at their restaurant. We were along the way Times Square road when Shawn's car slowed down and pulled into a full stop. There's a buildup of cars and people ahead, so I decided to check it out with Shawn, hoping we could just take a different way.

People were swarming like bees from their cars and they're talking about some white van or something. When Shawn and I reached the designated right turn there was a sudden commotion, the low buzz of people suddenly roared into screams and some even ran away from where we were.

Then I heard the first gun shot, my heart raised when everything went slow-motion, my head darted to where the white van was coming from followed by a few police cars and along with the quick movement was the dawn of realization, there I saw him, gun aimed out of nowhere and anywhere but me.

I tried to move out of the spot but I can't move a muscle. I felt the sudden impact of a small piercing object on the left portion of my torso and just before I could react on the hot red liquid gushing from the wound I felt another one hit me on my head, and I was suddenly numbed by it. I felt something shutdown on my head and I turned for help.

"Shawn..." I half shouted and I saw him turned my way with horror in his eyes. I passed out.

Have you ever experience lucid dreaming? Where you feel your spirit awake and functional but your body is immobile; that's how being in coma felt like, it was like being trapped in your own body. I can hear them talking, all of them. Uncle Steffan, Dinah, Shawn, Ally, Normani, Chelsie, Camila's parents and my fiancee. I can hear their every prayer and I answered to all of them but my body won't do it.

I was helpless; I can't feel anything but I know I've cried with Camila when she was losing all hopes on me. I wanted to hug her and hold tight. I wanted to just snap out of it and be alive again but I can't, it's like I was chained or there's a magic force field around me where time stops. Like a black hole.

I heard uncle Steffan and Camila's conversation that night, I was scared and I regretted keeping the truth from her. That night Camila didn't come back after uncle Steffan told her about me. About us. I expected that though, along with the fact that maybe she would never return at all.

But I was wrong, because the next morning I heard her talking to me again, her voice came to me like a whisper I can't hear it clearly but she suddenly held my hand and put it against her cheek and I didn't stopped myself from communicating to her with the only way possible on that moment. I let her enter my mind, I showed her every moment we're together in the past 500 years until the day I asked her to marry me.

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