Chapter 10

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(n.) complete confusion and disorder : a state in which behavior and events are not controlled by anything


Camila Cabello

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"Chancho? Chanch? Mila!?"

"Dinah! You startled me!"

"Well you're spacing out on me again."

"Oh, sorry. You were saying?"

"I was just asking about you and that Lara of yours."

"We're good."

"Mind sharing? You're always in seventh heaven. She keeping you in a good mood?" She sneered.

"We're good, as in... uhh. I am really lost for words Cheech."

"Are you kidding!? Everytime I call to check on you when I was in France you were full of 'Lara took me to this place, Lara and I did this and that and so on'. And now you're lost for words!? Oh love sweet love!" She said singing the last part and I just laughed at her.

"Wait, seriously Mila, Do you think she's the one?" She suddenly shift into her serious mode.

"Yes cheech. I really do hope that she's the one. You always want me to divert my attention from the Lauren dreams right? Well when I met Lara, they all disappeared. Yes I had visions at first, but now? Never been better." I stated almost dreamy.

"Since you sound so sure about this Lara, why don't you invite her in our next group night out. I want to meet her and the gang is really interested with this almighty Lara Jauregui that you can't stop talking about."

"Okay, I'll ask her if she's free on that day" I sighed.

"Just remember to take it easy there tiger. I can feel it really, you're over flowing with love right now. It's taking you too high. But when it does just remember to put on your parachute huh? You'll need that just incase." She preached and I just nodded.

Dinah has always been the one with the best judgement among our group of friends, even though she acts as the joker in our circle.  She always knows how to talk to us, and when she does, she talks to us according to how we wanted to be talked to. Her wisdom and wit is uncontrollable which I admire, that's why I always listen to her advices solicited or not.

Dinah left after a few more hours of chatting and two bottles of wine. I was already sleepy but then I remembered that I should ask Lara if she's free on Sunday.

By the way we've been together for about three weeks now and nothing's changed, she's still iridescent. We didn't actually make it a habit to constantly text or call each other every hour of everyday. She told me that missing each other is a good catalyst for excitment and wonder. So if we wanted to have a real lengthy conversation, we need to have it in person. Which is really effective, I do get a bit lazy typing sometimes.

I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up, which took her three rings. Yes, I counted.

Lara: (Hello love?)

Me: (Hey I just called to ask it you're free on Sunday? We're having our traditional get together and they want you to come.)

Lara: (Sure love. I always make time for you. Just update me the time and place?) I can almost hear her smiling on the other side which made me smile too.

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