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No P.O.V.


Everyone was given orders to leave the ball room. Tonight had gone completely different from what they all expected.

Iyato, he was pissed. He always knew there was something off about Anima but he chose to ignore it.

Hisake, she was honestly just plain confused. A couple of things were bothering her. If Anima is a half demon,

• Why didn't she kill anyone here?
• Why does she choose to kill demons?
• Why is she here?
• What does she want with Izumi?

The last one bothered her the most. She kept stealing glances at Izumi who looked like if his world just crumble.

"Everyone please make your way to the general's building and stay in meeting rooms." General Kina spoke up. The soldiers saluted before following the order.


Everything in the room was silent, no one wanting to disturb each other's thoughts. Izumi, Hisake, Menami, Iyato and Takashi had decided to go in a seperate room from the rest and now sat in silence. Until Iyato had enough and began mumbling to himself.

"I knew she was a freak." That comment drew a lot of attention on him.

"There was always something weird about her. I literally saw her climb up the wall of the girls' dorm." He continued which caused a couple of comments erupt.

Izumi, other than the rest of them, was the most affected. He didn't how he should respond to anything.

"Izumi, I feel for you bro. Got your first kiss stolen by a demon who only wanted you because it's mating season."

Izumi got and walked over to the window, keeping silent.

"Iyato, you don't have to rub it in." Hisake growled towards Iyato.

"I'm just saying the truth." Iyato shot back which made Hisake furious.

"I took your first kiss, what would do if you had found out I was a demon!?"


"That's what I thought. I hate that about you, you don't know when to shut up sometimes!" Hisake growled and got up from next Iyato.

She walked over to Izumi and placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Guys let's just talk. Get whatever we have to say out in the open but still making sure it doesn't offend anyone." Menami said, directing the last question to Iyato who hung his head in embarrassment.

"Come on." Hisake pulled Izumi's arm and he let her drag him to an open seat in the room.

"Who wants to go first?" Menami spoke up but Izumi soon butt in.

"I don't regret it."

"Huh?" Iyato sat up and placed his hands on the table.

"What do you mean, Izumi?" Hisake asked while she sat next to Izumi.

"I don't regret anything. I don't regret meeting her. Training with her. Not even kissing. I don't regret any of it."

"Why not? Izumi, she's half demon." Menami sighed.

"Half demon yet she trained me. Half demon yet she cooked for us. Half demon yet she gave us information and a plan to defeat a demon. Half demon yet up to now she didn't kill any of us."

"You know, he has a point..." Takashi spoke up and Menami nodded in agreement.

"I can't believe you all. You all are seriously missing the picture. She is a demon." Iyato shook his head in disbelief.

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