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Anima's P.O.V.


The girl left the room and closed the door behind her. All three principals were in the room and Karachi looked a little uncomfortable.

"Matoi." Minato's voice made me look at him.

"Yes sir." I saluted then returned to my usual stance.

"Where did you learn to fight like that? That's clearly not the level at Shinsuke's Academy."

This bitch....had the nerve.......(A/N. I'll let y'all finish the rest.)

"I train myself to fight."

He hummed, "Mr.Karachi told us that you were in a neighbouring city for quite some times. How many of those things have you encountered?"

Nikita growled at the word 'things'.

"Too many." I replied calmly.

"I see." He leaned back in his chair and thought for a moment.

"Would you like to enroll in my academy? We're the most skilled. I'm sure you can find a few too keep up with."

I tilted my head, "Was Lala a student of yours?"


"And you think there's someone there that can keep up with me?"

Karachi tensed in the corner of my eye.

"With all due respect Mr.Minato. I politely decline to your offer. I have no interest in being the best academy. To besides, demons aren't gonna attack anymore, why bother?"

"So you're the one that killed them?"

"That is correct."

He hummed again and tapped his finger on the handle of his armchair.

"How are you so skilled yet being the youngest soldier of the academy?"

"I'm sure Mr.Karachi told you. I lived on my own for 7 years. I taught myself everything I need to know about survival."

"Why did you suddenly decide to enroll at Shinsuke's?"

"I don't believe it's a crime in wanting to be around my kind instead of demons 24/7."

He hummed then smirked.

"I see."

Hurry up already before I kill you. Seeing I really want to let off some steam.

"Why did you decide to fight Lala?"

I tensed a little at the question.

"She asked to."

"She told me that you decided to attack her?"

I tilted my head, "I'm afraid Lala is a liar. I never make the first move in combat unless I plan to kill someone."

"So you would kill ah ally?

"She is not my ally. But no, if I wanted to, she would have been able to tell you the lie she did."

He chuckled, "My daughter doesn't lie. I trust her with my life."

She's his daughter? Oh great.

"Maybe you should put your in someone else other than your daughter."

A gasp came from the quiet principal who sat at the right of me.

Why are all principals males?? Geez....

"Is that so?"

I nodded slowly.

"Karachi, how skilled would you say young Matoi is?"

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