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Anima's P.O.V.


Two days went by and nothing happened so now we're on the field trip. Everyone was so happy and excited to leave the school grounds but I'm just here like.....fuck you and that.

I really don't like moving around too much, I had to do it a lot. So it's not exactly a thing I enjoyed. There was a few deserted cities here and there from what I remember but nothing interesting. I slouched down on the chair in the bus, the form of transportation humans happened to use, and sighed, feeling a little off. I would have preferred running or leaping from tree to tree than this. It feels weird.

"You alright?"

I looked up at Hisake who was peeking over the chair, looking like a two year old. Both of her hands were on the seat and her bright eyes looked down at me.


"She's not accustomed to this stuff yet." Iyato chuckled and looked back.

I glared playfully at him and he smiled.

"Hey Anima!"

Someone unknown called my name and I sat up, looking back.

A girl I've seen before but never knew her name looked at me with a wide smile. She was a a seat behind me. I analyzed her, Short blue hair, blue eyes, wide smile, yup....definitely a social butterfly.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"I know this is weird to ask but can you crawl on roofs?"

I tilted my head at the bizarre yet normal question.

I nodded slowly and her eyes widened in excitement.

"Really? Can I see!?"

I tilted my head in confusion.

The hell?

"Come on, Lila, leave the girl alone." A boy next to her said and she whined.

Lila? Lala? So familiar, it's skin crawling.


"Sure." I shrugged and flipped going on the roof.

I meet her eyes and she wowed. I earned a few gazes from peopke who were sitting close. I flipped back down and she squealed.

"That's so cool!"

I chuckled and shook my head.

"It's Anima. Of course she's cool." The same boy said to her and I turned around, leaning back in my seat.

I don't do compliments so I chose to ignore the comment.


Finally after hours of sitting, we were here. Apparently they were more schools like Shinsuke. I was a little surprised too. I knew they're were more humans out there but didn't think so much would still be here.

I looked out at the large amount of people who chattered and laughed outside the bus.

Guess what? Apparently, it wasn't only our school going on a field trip. Yippee.

I slouched down in the chair and sighed.

"Don't do well in crowds?" Hisake giggled and I growled in annoyance.

"Come on Mrs.Grumpy Pants." She said playfully and I hesitantly got up.

Izumi came from the back of the bus, meeting up with us.

"I'm excited. Haven't been outside the academy's walls in years." Izumi beamed which made me smile.

"Let's go already. We haven't got all day." Hisake said making Izumi chuckle.

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