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Anima's P.O.V.


I made my way to the generals building and sighed. I wanna know where you can find a sewing machine around here. Knocking on the door, I heard a couple of shuffling then a quiet come in. I opened the door and everyone's attention turned to me.

"Ahh, the troublemaker."

"What is it you want, Matoi?'

"Who give you permission to come up here?"

I ignored the three males who threw statements and questions at me and looked at Shineki.

"General Shineki, is there a sewing machine around here?"

"Yes why?"

"To pull apart my limbs and stitch them back together." I said sarcastically and tilted my head.

"I want to make my dress."

"There's no need to be rude." Shineki snarled.

Yes there is. It's early, breakfast was shit. I'm fucking aroused thanks to mating season starting tomorrow and y'all are wasting my utmost precious time.

"Why can't you just choose a dress?"

I growled and slammed the door close. I'll find it my fucking self.

I walked away from the door and turned down another corridor. I opened the first door and mentally squealed. Thank God.

I held the bag in my hand and closed the door behind me, before walking over to the sewing machine which sat on a table. I placed the bag next to the sewing machine and walked over to a nearby cabinet, looking for thread.


Na uh.


Ahh there it is.

Now let's get to work.


Izumi's P.O.V.


I haven't seen Anima all day, and it's starting to bug me. Hisake said she last saw her going into the generals' building but she never came out. I sighed as I sat on the steps by the gate near the dorms and waited.


I wonder what her name means because it isn't Japanese. It's unique though, I like it.

Something seems off about her though. She's panting a lot and her face is always red. And when we were in the forest waiting for the demons, when they got there..they said she smelt sweet. I mean she does, every damn day. But still...demons can smell if you're a virgin? That's so creepy. But...they seemed surprised that we attacked them. It's like they were only expecting Anima to be there. Which is totally off because Anima said that can smell humans; which mean they should have smelt all of us. But no, they only smelt her. That's so.....creepy. How many demons have picked up on her scent for all of them to know what she smells like? It's like they're after her.

The first time they came here was when we were outside the dorms. Then the second time is in the girls' dorm. Now the last time was in the forest and they only looked for her once again! Why are all of them after her? Why?


Evening rolled in and I was about to give up waiting for her when I saw that familiar white hair turn a corner. She held the same bag from yesterday in her hand.

Didn't she already have a dress? Did she change it?

I got up which made her look up at me. Her face flushed.

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