Chapter 52: Crying Out For Help

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I smile back at them. 

"Well look who was nervous over nothing," A says with a smile. 

Liam hands me the case for the mouth guard. I take it from him and take out my mouth guard, putting it in the case. I quickly spit out a bunch of blood I had held in my mouth to the side and look back to them.

"You'll live," A says patting my shoulder.

"Nice job Tori," Liam says passing me an envelope.

I quickly put it in my pocket.

"I suggest you get to the hospital," One of the medics says as he looks over my hand.

"What's wrong?" Liam asks coming over.

"Looks like she shattered these two knuckles." He says pointing to two of my knuckles that are red and bruised.

"She be able to fight?" Liam asks.

"I suggest not until this hand heals up."

"You punched him hard enough that you broke your own hand?" A says while raising an eyebrow.

I shrug my shoulders. It stings but nothing like my back.

"Make a fist."

I close my hand.

"Flatten it out."

I spread out my hand.

"Could either be a sprain or broken and you just don't feel pain."

I soon see Leo and his girlfriend walk up.

"Didn't know you came to these fights," Gray says turning to him.

"I usually end up leaving right after, where's Beth?" He says.

"She not home?" L.J. says puzzled.

"No, she heads out around six thirty every night. Figured it was to hang out with you guys."

"She told us she had to be home before seven and that's why she doesn't come with us."

"Well, she's not with me or at home."

Alan looks to me. He knows my secret. He know's that it's pretty easy to put two and two together. I have to speak up.

"She's out doing stuff," I say raspily.

"You know where she is?" Gray says as they all turn to me.

"I go with her usually after a fight."

"So where is she?" A says crossing his arms.

"Doing stuff, let a girl have her secrets."

"What kind of stuff?" Alan says trying to play along with the guys.

"Cool your tits she's not doing anything illegal," I say running out of breath at the end.

I'm surprised how different my voice sounds. And they all looked surprised by what I said. I see Alan have to stifle a laugh though.

"Alright then," Mason says smirking at me.

"You know Beth?" Leo says looking at me.

I nod my head.

"That nerd really does have secrets," Trever says.

"Good at hiding them too," A says.

"There's blood on her back," Liam says looking from me to the medic.

They all look to me.

"Go ahead and stand up." A female medic says as she sets down a med kit.

I grab onto the wall to help steady myself and are careful not to move my back. 

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