(Part 2) Chapter 15: Angel's Bulls

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The guys look to me curious for an answer rather than giving me one. Same as everyone else.

"I can not speak for them but I do believe that they were curious and just wanted to help."

Based off of what they told me anyway.

I suddenly become a bit dizzy and the room feels hot. Reminds me of a panic attack. I look away from everyone as I try to calm my pounding heart.

"Did them getting involved ever turn the bullying to them?"

"At one point yes, they had used them to hurt me personally," the translator says with worried eyes.

I point to someone else.

"Did feelings ever develop for your friends after what they had stuck around and waited for you to wake up and supported you?"

Okay, getting personal. Stalling, half answer time. Hopefully, they won't catch on.

"Could you clarify?" The man from earlier says.

"Did your feelings for your friends ever develop into something more intimate then friends, after all, you had done for them and they had done for you?"

"The family has come here agreeing upon deep personal questions will not be asked," the man says.


I point to another in between shouts.

"Have you been physically active since the shooting?"


I point to someone else and my panic attack still continues.

"Have you been fighting or working out much to regain that skill and strength?"

"Once you know how to fight, it's a hard skill to forget. Being able to perform it is another story, But yes I have been trying to regain my strength."

I glance over at the others and they send me worried faces only making myself more concerned. I point to someone else.

"Did any fears develop from this encounter?"

"Of course I can be jumpy at times but going to school, guns and things like that does not scare me. I know if the time came or if it happened again, I would be able to handle it."

I point to someone else.

"Do your friends give you a higher sense of security?"

"I don't mean to sound too attached to my friends but yes. I know that I can count on them to be there for me and with being through so much together I know that I can relate to them in a way."

"What had you done do you think could have caused the shooters to target you?"

"I am not sure," I say lying easily.

The shouting this time intensifies.

"Alright, folks looks like that's all the time we have," the guy from before says as he comes up to the podium.

The shouting gets even louder as they shoot more questions at me. The security comes over next to me and the guy's and Willow all come to my side as the reporters begin to get up from their seats.

"Aren't you popular," Mason whispers over to me.

"Don't know why you guys aren't. You were the ones who were held hostage," I say offering a small smile.

He returns it with a smirk of his own and puts his arm around my shoulders.

"You did good, I mean except for the fact you looked like you were gonna pass out or something."

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