I'm an Idiot

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Hey! Thank you so much for reading this. WARNING: This will include my mixed up thoughts. Hopefully you can understand me. Enjoy! 

    Ninjago has been with me for most of my life, I just never realized it until now. I always scrolled by it on Netflix, but I never actually watched it. I think the first time I actually watched Ninjago was at a friend's house. I gotta be honest. It was not exactly love at first sight.

Me: *running around having fun* *sees something on the TV*

TV: *Sensei Wu is fighting Pythor while riding on a bus to Ouroboros*

My thoughts: Why is this old guy fighting a purple snake thingy with arms? Who are those multicolored people in the other, disconnected part of the bus?

    So yeah. That was my first introduction to Ninjago, though I didn't know it at the time. The next time I watched it was a few YEARS later and once again, I was not aware I was watching Ninjago. Wow! I was so stupid back then.

     I was watching Legends of Chima on YouTube (Yes, I like Chima. Don't judge) and I ended up watching Ninjago because it was in the suggestions area. I still didn't become a fan and I was still an idiot. 

    I watched a clip called Corrupted Nya (or something like that). I didn't even know how to pronounce Nya's name! I just thought, Oh, I guess this looks sort of interesting.

YouTube: *the ninja, Sensei Wu, and Misako are running to face Garmadon and get intercepted by Corrupted Nya*

  Me: *sees that Misako and Sensei Wu are attracted to each other*

My thoughts: Ewwww! Why are these old people flirting with each other?

YouTube: *Corrupted Nya jumps out and fights the ninja*

My thoughts: Ahhh! Why does this person look so creepy and dead? How do these ninja know her? 

    I don't think I even finished watching the whole clip. I was so terribly confused about what was going on.

    I'm not sure, but I think that I might've even watched Zane's Sacrifice. I'm so ashamed to admit it, but I had no idea what was happening and felt no sadness whatsoever. 

    Eventually, I watched the  Ninjago pilot episodes. Although, I don't think I paid close  attention to them. It interested me, but I still wasn't a full on fan. For the a while I couldn't read the actual letters that spelled Ninjago (mainly the j). I was an absolute moron.

YouTube: *Episode 1: Rise of the Snakes*

Me: *sees four people playing video games, acting like teenagers, and having fun*

My thoughts: Wow! I actually really like this setting. 

    That was the moment I was just sold. I really liked it and watched all of season 1-2. Around Episode 2: Home, Zane was starting to become my favorite character. 

    Sadly, after I started watching season 3, I just stopped watching Ninjago. I really hate to say it, but all the nindroids and even Pixal were just too weird for me. I don't know why all the nindroids were so creepy to me, especially since I was able to get through seasons 1-2 without any problems.

YouTube: *Episode 27: The Surge*

Me: *watches Pixal's debut*

My thoughts: Who and what is that?!!! Creepy!! Ahh, those eyes are really disturbing! What kind of clothes are those?!

Me: *keeps watching season 3 and sees the nindroids and evil Pixal*

My thoughts: Alright, bye bye! I'm done with this. I just can't watch Ninjago anymore.

    Yes, you can see how naive and easily freaked out I was. Soon, I came back to Ninjago and started watching season 3 again. I fell in love with it. Pixal wasn't weird to me anymore. She was so amazing and adorable! Honestly, it took me a while to pick up on Zane and Pixal's attraction for each other, but once I did, I LOVED PIXANE! 

YouTube: *Episode 34: The Titanium Ninja* 

Me: *watches the finale* WHYYYYYYYY! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

    Now, I am a huge, loyal Ninjago fan. Unfortunately, I have no one to talk to about Ninjago. So, I am telling you all of this. Very few people get to know my thoughts so be grateful!

I really hope you enjoyed my journey on how I became a Ninjago fan. Let me know if you want to know my thoughts as I watch each Ninjago episode. If you do, updates will come about once every 1-2 weeks.

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