Episode 10: The Green Ninja

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Kai: *messes around in the Green Gi*

Me: Ugh, I think red suits Kai way better than green.

Cole, Jay, and Zane: *catch Kai wearing the Green Gi*

Me: That must be embarrassing.

Kai: "It's not fair that you guys have unlocked your cool powers and I still haven't."

Me: Just be happy for your friends, Kai.

Sensei Wu: "Hello! I'm home!"

Me: Aw man, Kai better get out of that green ninja suit quickly. If Sensei Wu sees him in it, he'll probably flip out.

Jay, Cole, and Zane: "Sensei!"

Me: Aww, they're so happy to have Sensei Wu back.

Cole: "Did you bring us anything?"

Me: Wow, Cole knows how to get straight to the point.

Sensei Wu: "Zane is a... what?"

Me: I really hope Sensei doesn't reject Zane for being a robot. I'm kinda surprised that he didn't even suspect Zane was an android. I mean, he's Sensei Wu for crying out loud.

Zane: "All of us, except for Kai, have discovered our True Potential."

Sensei Wu: "Have you now?"

Me: Sensei sounded surprised. Shame on you, Sensei. You should have more faith in your students. 😉

Lord Garmadon: *appears from behind Sensei Wu*

Me: Whoa! How'd he hide behind Sensei Wu? It's probably not a good idea to appear out of nowhere in front of people who already don't like you.

Zane: *jumps in front of Sensei in slow motion while yelling "Sensei"*

Me: Good job, Zane. (Even though he doesn't need protection at the moment.) You're willing to protect your Sensei with your life.

Kai: "He must've followed you, Sensei."

Me: Um, I'm pretty sure Sensei Wu is wise enough to know if he was being followed.

Sensei Wu: *says that they must treat Lord Garmadon as their guest*

Me: I would not be happy with having Lord Garmadon as a guest in my house. 

Lord Garmadon: *smiles at Kai as he follows Sensei Wu to the bridge*

Me: That was a creepy smile. What's Garmadon up to?

Kai: "I have my eye on you." *hits his head on his way out the door*

Me: Who else has done this before?

Nya: *grabs Kai and drags him out of the room*

Me: I have to do that to my brother too.

Sensei Wu: "Jay, did you say the Falcon was programmed?"

Me: No, Zane did. 

Nya: *reminds Kai that Lord Garmadon is Sensei Wu's brother and that Sensei Wu loves him*

Me: Hmm, I have to remind myself that Garmadon isn't all that bad. He's got a brother and son.

Kai: *says that he has to stand up to Lord Garmadon in order to unlock his True Potential*

Me: Don't disobey Sensei! Just keep an eye on Garmadon. Don't fight him unless absolutely necessary.

Kai: "Nya, the Lord of Darkness just became our roommate!"

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