Episode 13: Day of the Great Devourer

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Great Devourer: *swallows Sensei Wu*

Me: NOOOOOOOO! ☹️☹️☹️☹️ Who's going to lead the ninja now?!

Great Devourer: *looks at the Ninja*

Jay: "Maybe if we stand perfectly still..."

Me: That's a terrible idea, Jay. Don't stare at it! RUUUUUUUN!

Kai: "Ruuun!"

Me: Thank you for that wonderful suggestion, Kai.

Great Devourer: *chases after the Ninja*

Jay: *trips while running*

Me: Ahhhhhhh! Please don't get eaten!

Nya: "Fire up the engines."

Lloyd: *continues to stare out the window*

Nya: "I said, 'Fire up the engines!'"

Me: Hurry up, Lloyd! Stop staring at the deadly snake chasing your friends!

Great Devourer: *almost bites the Destiny's Bounty twice*

Me: *freaks out for the rest of the chase scene* Man, Nya is an awesome pilot! But that was still waaay to close for comfort!

Jay: "Does  anyone else think the Great Devourer looks bigger than it did before?"

Me: *looks closely at the Great Devourer* No, I don't really see a difference.

Great Devourer: *grows*

Cole: "The more it consumes, the bigger it gets."

Me: That is extremely... TERRIFYING!!

Cole: "Don't throw anything else overboard!"

Kai: *throws Sensei Wu's teapot overboard*

Me: What did Cole just say, Kai?! Also, did Kai really think that one teapot would help them become lighter? I hope that the teapot doesn't have any magical tea in it that will make the Great Devourer get a big growth spurt.

Great Devourer: *makes the Destiny's Bounty crash*


Zane: "Goodbye, old friend."

Me: This is so sad and scary. Hurry up and get out of there!

Great Devourer: *eats the Destiny's Bounty*

All Ninja: "No!"

Me: Now that's adding insult to injury. 

Kai: "That was too intense."

Me: You're telling me! My heart is still beating fast!!

Zane: "There is no time to rest. We need to warn people before it become bigger."

Me: Zane, not everyone can recover as quickly as you. Let our hearts get back to a normal rate!

Jay: *freaks out and starts rambling*

Me: This is why I like Jay. He is so funny when he freaks out and he helps relieve the tension. 

Cole: "And what? Just give up?"

Jay: "You know as well as I do that we have no chance at stopping that thing."

Me: Jay has given up already? This isn't looking good.

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