Episode 12: Rise of the Great Devourer

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Sensei Wu: *sees the Great Devourer in a vision*

Me: *looks at the title of the episode* This is very bad. 🐍

Kai: *explains why the Fangblades can only be destroyed in Torchfire Mountain*

Me: I just realized that Great Devourer has really shiny teeth if the Fangblades came from it. And how is this Torchfire Mountain even hotter than an erupting volcano?

Jay: "Could someone pass the salt?"

Me: Jay, why are you putting salt on a sandwich? Am I the only one who finds this strange?

Cole: "Please. No one talk about food."

Me: Whoa, Cole. Are you feeling okay?

Jay: "Hey, Cole. You look a little green over there. How'd you like a mucus salt sandwich?"

Me: Excuse me? A what?! How'd you get mucus on the sandwich, Jay. Did you sneeze or something? On second thought, I don't even want to know. 🤢🤮

Nya: *says that Lloyd was a brat at first and that it's hard to believe that he's going to become the greatest ninja ever*

Me: I feel the same way, Nya. Plus, he needs a better haircut if he's going to be the greatest ninja ever.

Lloyd: *talks in a fake accent*

Me: Lloyd... please never talk like that again.

Lloyd: *gets slapped around on the training course*

Me: That would be me too.

Pythor: *appears and ties Lloyd up*

Me: Aaaagh! Pythor! Lloyd is just a kid. Don't tie him up.

Kid: *sees the Destiny's Bounty and tells his mom about it*

Mother: *corrects her son and doesn't seem to believe him*

Me: Poor boy. Reminds me of when I tried explaining that I really like Ninjago to my friend. 😞

Jay: "It's roasting out here!"

Me: Since Zane is the Ice Ninja, is he affected by heat more than the others?

Kai: "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen."

Me: Ok then. *gets out of the kitchen*

Sensei Wu: "You do not need my approval to finish the task."

Me: He's right. Hurry and just throw them off the side of the Bounty before Python steals them!

Jay: "But, Sensei–"

Sensei Wu: "Butts are for sitting."

Me: Nice one, Sensei. 😏👍🏼

Sensei Wu: "And besides, there will come a time when you will have to go on without me."

Kai: "Sensei, you're talking crazy. You've been alive for like... forever."

Me: That's probably his point, Kai. He's old. He has to die sometime. Although I think his death is a long ways away.

Zane: "What he is trying to say is you are like the sunrise. We cannot begin a day without you."

Me: Wow, Zane makes it sound so poetic and beautiful. I love Zane! 

Sensei Wu: "Ah, but even the sun must go down so a new day begins."

Me: Yeah, but the sun comes back the next day. 

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