Episode 3: Snakebit

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Fun Fact: This episode solidified my place as a fan of Ninjago.

Sensei Wu: "Evil doesn't sleep and neither should you."

Me: Sure, evil might not sleep, but I need sleep.

Kai: "Okay, okay. We're up, but if you want us to reach our Full Potential, shouldn't we at least get a full night of rest?"

Me: What he says is very true.

Jay: *unknowingly pours sand onto his toothbrush*

Me: Uh, Jay? Don't put that in your mouth. 

Zane: *falls through the floor*

Me: This ship is definitely a fixer upper.

Sensei Wu: "I think today's lesson will be chores."

All Ninjas: "Chores?!"

Me: Chores? What are chores? Never heard of them. XD

Sensei Wu: "I expect things to be spotless when I return. And put your backs into it."

Me: Plus side of having ninja students: they clean your house for free.

Cole: *uses Spinjitzu to pick up junk*

Me: *tries to use Spinjitzu to clean up my room* *gets dizzy and falls over*

Kai and Zane: *use Spinjitzu to clean the room*

Me: Not sure how that worked out, but that was cool.

Jay: *charges up the Destiny's Bounty*

Me: Ha, Jay is a portable charger. ⚡️

Zane, Cole, and Kai: *raise the sail*

Me: Aww, Zane looks exactly like me in tug-of-war.

Me: Aww, Zane looks exactly like me in tug-of-war

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Cole: "Ninja don't just fight, Nya. We clean."

Me: I thought you said earlier that ninjas fight and don't clean.

Sensei Wu: "Oh. You have exceeded my expectations, but can you keep it up?"

Me: They probably can't.

Ed and Edna: *come riding up in their jalopy*

Me: Who are these people?

Jay: *starts going on and on about how his parents talk a lot*

Kai: "We get it! They talk a lot. A cherry doesn't fall far from its blossom."

Me: Now we know where Jay gets his lightning fast mouth from.

Ed and Edna: *talk to each other*

Me: I like Jay's parents already.

Edna: "Oh look at my baby boy! It's been so long since we've heard from you."

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