Me, Myself, and I

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Hello everyone it's time for a new book. I'm very excited to write this book since Nier Automata is such a awesome game. First I'm going to say that 2B and A2 are the girls I'm starting off with. If there any other girls you want me to add then tell me. Also the reader has a past but if you know me I like doing plot twists and intestine back stories and such. Now without a further a do let's get into it


POV: You

Part 1.

I open my eyes to see the room I always woke up to for the past how many years, 5965? Years I think. I sit up from my king sized bed and look around at my very familiar bedroom.The bed was against the wall in the center with a large TV stand with a non working TV sitting inside it. My closet was on my left and to my right was a glass window with a set of glass doors that led onto a balcony. The rooms exotic green wallpaper wasn't in the best condition but pretty good for how long it's been. I then hear a familiar robotic voice to my left.

"Goodmorning, How are you feeling?" The voice asks.

"For the I don't know how manyith time, I'm fine pod" I say.

"It's my duty as your pod, Pod 808 who is assigned to (Y/n) (L/n),to make sure you are in a well condition" Pod says.

I sigh then got up from my bed and walked over to my closet, I opened it up and started to change.

"Proposal: (Y/n) should use Pod 808's infinity storage instead of using a closet" Pod proposes.

I turn to him with while I had a pair of black pants on and a undershirt while I held a black shirt.

"That last time I did that one of my shirt came out half the size they were supposed to be" I say.

"That occurred due to that article of clothing sitting in my infinity storage for 2 years. Proposal: Don't leave clothing in infinity storage for more than a duration of 200 days"

"I'll keep that in mind" I say as I put my short sleeve black shirt on "any new activity I should be worried about?" I ask pod.

"Negative, the hotel is still safe" Pod says.

"Good because it was such a hassle to get this hotel to how it is now" I say.

"5 years, data before I was assigned to you is unknown" Pod says.

I walk out of my bedroom and into the living room that looked like a premium hotel, well since I live in a premium hotel. The TV stand with a functional TV sits to the right of my bed rooms door way, and in front of it is a (L) shaped couch that was grey and black that was sitting on the carpet that covered the entire room except the tiled kitchen. Their was a bar that faced into the kitchen with a wooden dinning table behind it. I walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge.

"I'm so glad I spent so much time working on this place, if I didn't I wouldn't have working electricity or running water" I say as I looked at the bagged food inside.

I closed the fridge and took a apple from the basket on the counter and started eating it. I leaned against the counter as I started to finish off my apple.

"Alert: Enemy machine lifeforms detected out side of the hotel. Proposal: (Y/n) should take out the machine lifeforms"

"Alright them" I say

Nier Automata: Human (Nier Automata x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now