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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you attended a meeting with the council to find a way to destroy the colossal machine heading towards you.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's morning, and I feel a beam of sun light shining on my face. I open my eyes and saw Rose laying on my side with her arms wrapped around my right arm. I see her with her eyes open and a small smile on her face before she gave me a kiss.

"Good morning" She says.

"Wow, first morning and your already starting off with a old cliche from back in the day" I tell her.

"Why not, only we would understand anyway" She tells me before planting another kiss on my lips.

"I guess your right" I replied.

"Don't leave me out of this" I hear 2B say.

I turned to 2B and she gives me a kiss "For someone who sticks to the rules, you sure like to break them" I say.

"Only for you" 2B says as a small blush appeared on her face.

"Rule breaking for me?" I say "I think your the only one who actually sticks to the no emotion rule"

"Yeah, that rule is kind of out of date" Rose says as she sits up.

"Oh..." 2B says.

The door to my room opens and I see 9S standing there "Hey guys, good morning!" He says.

"Dude, Knock first!" I shout at him.

He then notices that I'm only in shorts while 2B and Rose are in my bed "Oh....Oh.... Sorry...I'll just...I'll just wait in the other room"

9S awkwardly walks out of my room and closes the door "Right out of a anime" Rose says.

"And the second anime cliche in the past 5 minutes" I say.

"Cliche?" 2B questions as she sat up.

"It's something you wouldn't understand" I tell her as I got out of bed "I need to change"

After I said that both 2B and Rose left the room. I went through my closet until found the outfit I wanted to wear and put it on.

"Damn, it feels like forever since I've worn this" I say as I wore my outfit from the incident 5 years ago. I walked out of my room and saw 2B, Rose, 9S, and A2 standing in my living room waiting for me "I have a small question, how did you get in my room?" I asked while looking at 9S and A2.m

"Oh, I broke the door open" A2 says and points at the door.

I look at the door to see that it's on the ground, the hinges were torn from the door frame "Jesus Christ!, why did you break down my door!"

"I told you he'd be mad" 9S tells A2.

"The door was locked" A2 states.

"If a door is locked, it means that your not meant to get in" I tell her.

I go over to the door and lifted it up. I saw a heel print in the solid oak door where A2 sparta kicked the door open. I sighed before I put the door up back in place.

"Pod, screw the hinges back in" I say.

"Affirmative" Pod says.

Pod has one hand turn into a screw driver while the other had a stock pile of screws in it. As I held the door up, Pod screwed the hinges back onto the door frame. When the job was finished, Pods hands turned back to normal.

Nier Automata: Human (Nier Automata x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now