The Resistance Camp

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter You, 2B, and 9S were clearing out machines in the desert and after following a machine who ran away you guys ended up fighting a humanoid machine, after killing it another one crawled out of it and started making the cavern collapse. You guys got out safely and here you are.

P.S.: The story will mostly follow story with some major differences when it comes the end of the actual nier automata story meaning it will be a while before meeting A2.


POV: You

Part 1.

Me,2B, and 9S just fought that humanoid machine and we were climbing up a hill that is next to a literal river of sand. When we got to the top we saw a metal box blocking our way.

"I got this" I say then started walking up to the box.

"No I got it" 2B says while moving past me and starts pushing the metal box.

"Okay then" I state.

The metal box then falls down and crushes something metal after 2B pushed it far enough. I look and see a open space with 2 rooks wielding swords, I look under the metal box and saw a rook crushed under it. When 2B sees the rooks she takes them out with speed.

"2B, are you trying to prove something?" I ask.

"N-no" SHe shouts then says normally " I'm just doing my job as a YoRHa android"

"If you say so" I say.

We walk through the open space and through the tunnel on the other side. When we exited we were in a small canyon and 9S says.

"This should be good. 9S to Operator"

"Operator 21O to 9S, What is it?" 21O says.

"We just...ran into a pair of humanoid machines, we weren't able to capture them though, but we have combat data ready to upload" 9S says.

"Understood, ready for upload" 21O says.

9S then started uploading the video data that he and 2B captured.

"Upload complete, Anything else?" 21O says.

"Nope" 9S states.

"Okay then, I'll be closing the channel now" 21O says then closes the channel.

"That was weird, The humanoid machines I mean" 9S says as we started walking through  the calm desert.

"Sure was" I reply.

I hear pod beep and a screen appears with a familiar face on it.

"Operator to H1, can you hear me?" the voice says.

"6O?" I question.

"Yup, it's me. I have something exciting to tell you H1" she says excited.

"You can just call me (Y/n) 6O" I say.

"Okay, (Y/n) guess what?" She says.


"I'm going to be your operator from now on along with 2B" She squeals happily "I'm so excited to be your operator"

"When did this happen?" 2B asked 6O.

"The Commander assigned me as (Y/n)'s operator a little bit ago" 6O says " That means I get to talk to a human regularly, How exciting"

"I know what you mean" 9S says.

"Well I gotta go, Bye" 6O says then closes the channel.

"She was REALLY happy" 2B says.

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