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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Sorry for the wait. Last chapter. Last chapter a invasion of many machines along with 2 Goliath class machines occurred in the city zone and after the fight you guys discovered a alien base underground before meeting 2 machines named Adam and Eve.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's about 3 weeks since me, 2B, and 9S discovered the alien wreckage. After reporting what we discovered and about Adam and Eve, White told us to help around until she has any other things to ask if us. We helped out a mother machine whose kid machine decided to run off, it reminded me of my little sister when she ran off sometimes, but she always came back. That was way back in my early years though, now I have other people I need to take care of. At the moment, I was with Devola and Popola, watching the sunrise as we sat atop a building by the resistance camp that over looked the massive hole in the middle of the city.

"It's such a beautiful sunrise" Popola says in awe as she held onto my left hand.

"It's been a very long time since we last did this. Isn't that right (Y/n)?" Devola says as she held onto my right hand and leaned on my shoulder.

"Yeah, to many years to count" I say with a small smile "Anastasia would of loved to see this sunrise"

"She would of, She loved what color was left in the world back then" Popola says.

"She was such a sweet girl" Devola says then looks into my eyes "I wish your sister was still alive"

"I do too" I say as anger grew inside me. I hear clicking of heals to my left and I turn my head to see 2B and 9S with their pods "Let me guess, new mission?"

2B nods "Yes, we need to head out"

"I'll see you girls later" I tell Devola and Popola. I stand up and pat their heads and smiles form across their lips.

"Please be careful" Popola tells me.

"I will, don't worry Popola" I tell her.

"Don't take long, we still have a lot of catching up to do" Devola says while cupping my cheek before pulling her hand away.

"I'll try to be back as quick as possible" I say to Devola.

"We don't have all day" 2B says while tapping her foot.

"I'm coming" I say as I walked away from the red haired twins "So what's the mission?"

"Our mission is to gather more information on Pascal" 2B tells me.

"You mean that freaky machine?" 9S says.

"Do I need to hit you in the back of the head 9S?" I ask him.

"Nope, you don't need to" He states while stepping back a bit.


"Let's get going to the machine village" 2B says.

"Let's go pod" I say.

Pod flies up from where I was sitting with Devola and Popola and comes over to me. I jump off the roof of the building and pod caught me. I glided down to the bottom and I hear someone shout at me from above.

Nier Automata: Human (Nier Automata x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now