The Past

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you, 2B, and 9S went to the bunker to report to the commander, an old 'friend' of yours. And now you guys are heading out to the desert zone.

"The past makes you who you are, The future shows you the vast possibilities of what could happen, The present tells people only half truths about you"



POV: You

Part 1.

Me, 2B, and 9S started walking towards the desert zone. From what I know through personal experiences when scavaging, the desert has a group of machines that are disconnected from the network but are very hostile to almost anyone.

As we started walking through the entrence to the desert zone from the city ruins I could the feel the pain from my broken ribs almost dissappear.

"Hold up guys, before we head any further let me take the bandage off my ribs" I say then stopped.

"Alert: Unit H1 should not take off his bandages. Average healing for broken ribs are 6 to 12 weeks" 2B's pod tells me.

"One, my healing process is much faster than an average humans and when we were at the bunker I had my micro computer focus my energy on the healing of my ribs. And two, you can just call me (Y/n)" I say.

"Understood" her pod replies.

"I'm going to go get some supplies from the trader before we head out" 9S says then walks over to the trader.

"2B, do you mind taking it off for me?" I ask her just to see if her reaction will be the same as it was when she put it on.

"Of course Master" she says then walks over to me.

"Master?" I question.

"I meant (Y/n), sorry for that" she tells me as she starts to unravel the bandage.

When she finished unraveling the bandage the bruising was all gone and a shade of pink appeared on her face as she looked at my abs. After she looked at my abs for a moment I put my shirt down.

"Did you see something you liked?" I asked.

She stands up and looks at me "No, I just saw something I found intriguing that's all" she states in a tone making it hard to tell if she was lying.

"And what may that be?" I question.

"That scar on your stomach, where did you get it from?" She asks me as she looked into my eyes through her blind folds.

"It's a long story" I tell her "I will tell you and 9S as we walk"

9S then comes back to us and says "All done with the trader" he then looks at 2B "why are your cheeks pink 2B?"

"It's nothing" 2B says as her cheeks start to go back to normal.

"Unit 2B's cheeks were because she was-" 2B's pod says before being cut off.

"Shut up" 2B shouts at her pod shutting him up.

We then started walking into the desert, first we had to go through a canyon and meet up with someone.

Nier Automata: Human (Nier Automata x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now