Machine Village

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter You, 2B, and 9S went to a amusement park to locate missing YoRHa units that still had their black boxes still online. When you guys found the missing units they were made into weapons and had to defeat a crazy machine.


POV: You

Part 1.

As I started walking down the big flight of stairs 9S ran after me after the small conversation we just had. 2B was soon to follow me and 9S after she pondered a bit about what I said. We started to walk out of the building and over the bridge that was blocked by a gate. The gate was now open and a blaster without a energy blaster was hovering there with a white flag tied to a stick put on the machine.

"Hostiles!" 2B shouts.

"It isn't hostile 2B" I say as we got closer to the machine.

"I am not hostile" The machine says in a choppy robotic voice.

"Huh?" 9S questions.

"You defeated broken machine. You saved us" The machine adds.

"This thing is awfully verbose for a machine" 9S says.

"As I've said 9S, The machines are able to learn" I say.

"We repay you. Come to our village" The machine tells us.

"Sure, we would be happy to visit" I say.

2B grabs my arm and makes me look at her.

"(Y/n), Machines are the enemy" She tells me.

I sigh then tell her "You need to calm down 2B, It's obvious that this machine and the village of machines it speaks of does not want to harm us"

"And how do you know that (Y/n)?" She questions me.

"Just look at this machine 2B" I say while motioning to the machine "It has no weapons, it has a white flag that shows that it is surrendering and wants peace, and third when did the machines ever have green eyes, green has always meant 'good' when it comes to technology"

"I-I guess you're right" 2B stutters then lets go of me "Sorry for my actions......"

"I'll gather data as we are there" 9S says.

"Please. Follow me" The machine says.

We start following the machine through the amusement park. We went down a side ally in the park that lead to a ladder that went up. The machine flew to the top of the ladder which lead to a catwalk and waited for us.

"Ladies first" I say while motioning to the ladder.

2B blushes a bit before walking up to the ladder and starting to climb it. After she got up a little bit I start to climb the ladder.

"You better not be looking" 2B tells me as she continued to climb the ladder.

"Don't worry, I'm not looking" I say.

"I wish I could look but for the last human in the world to be known as a pervert is not the role I'm going for"

"You may have to worry about 9S though" I add jokingly.

"Worry about look at what?"  9S questions while looking up and not paying attention.

"I was joking Nines" I say so 9S doesn't get pummeled by 2B if she looks down.

"Ohh okay" He says.

2B gets to the top and waits next to the machine. After a few moments me and 9S finished climbing to the top of the ladder.

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