Together Again

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you, 2B , and 9S went to the forest kingdom and you faced a girl named A2. After some talking and paralysis, A2 rejoined YoRHa.


POV: You

Part 1.

After a long trip from Earth to the bunker, via flight units, me, 2B, A2, and 9S arrive at the bunker. We landed in the hanger and the units inside the hanger watched us, especially me since they're looking at a flight unit they've never seen before. I step out of the flight unit and take my helmet off.

"First time stepping foot on a space base" I say "While not in a android body"

"(Y/n), your here" White says as she walks up to us.

"In the flesh, literally" I say.

White then turns her attention to A2 "A2, welcome back to YoRHa"

"Thank you commander" A2 says.

I take my suit off and place it and my helmet in it's compartment of the flight unit. Pod comes out of the flight unit and floats over my shoulder.

"I need the 4 of you to come with me, we have something we need to talk about" White says then starts walking out of the hanger.

We follow White out of the hanger and through the hall of the bunker. She leads us to the into the command room but none of the operators were inside the room. The door closes behind us and White goes over to her seat. She pulls something up on her computer and puts it on the massive screen in the front of the room. On screen was a birds eye veiw of the open ocean with something metal sticking out of the water.

"Satellites sported this as we were scanning over the ocean" White tells us.

"Is that, a machine?" 2B asks.

"Yes, there is only one record of it that we have on the server. It destroyed all machines and androids within a 10 kilometer radius while also making machines and androids within a 100 kilometer radius malfunction" White says.

"Great, this mother fucker again" I state.

"Why are you showing us this?" 9S asks.

"Because, it's heading towards the coast as we speak" White replies.

"How long before it reaches land?" A2 asks.

"5 days, if not a week. It's movement is slow so and unpredictable so we're unsure on the exact time" White says.

"Nothing you guys have will be able to destroy it. It has multiple EMP generators all over its body, protecting itself from any energy weapons, also, we don't have anything that can go through its thick armor. I don't know the exact thickness of the armor but it's fucking thick" I tell them.

"So were basically doomed" 9S says.

"No we're not" White says "That's why we will be going to the moon to talk to the council directly to figure out how to take out this threat"

"All of us?" 2B questions.

"Yes, is there a problem with that?" White asks her.

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