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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you, 2B, 9S, A2 and White went to the moon base to be in a meeting about a Goliath class machine.


POV: You

Part 1.

Me, Rose, 2B, A2, White, 9S followed Kenichi as we walked through the halls of the lunar base. The bland white halls were shiny and would be what you would imagine in a space station. Rose held my hand as we walked, gripping it like she never wanted to ever let go.

"I'm sorry for what I did you when I saw you Kenichi" I apologize.

"It's alright, I expected that to happen" He replies casually "But I didn't expect you to of kept the rampage mode chip still installed, and for you to actually use it without dying"

"That wasn't planned, it just happened" I tell him.

"I see, so that was the first time you used it" Kenichi says.

"I'm surprised your body was able to handle the chip (Y/n)" White says.

"He does have the body of a man after all" Rose says with a smile after all.

"Of course he has the body of a man, he's male" 2B says.

"It's a expression" I tell her as I pinched the bridge of my nose "Rose is saying that I have a strong body"

"Oh..." 2B says.

"Humans didn't come in just come in a certain shape and size" Kenichi says "Some had bodies that differed from each other which made what they could do different"

"Really!" 9S says enthusiastically.

Kenichi chuckled a bit "Yes, genes are what define the appearance of a person"

"But I put thousands of years of working out to get like this" I say.

We then arrived at a set of doors at the end of a hallway. Kenichi turns towards the group "Only me, (Y/n), and Rose will be going inside. The other 6 council members aren't exactly acquainted with life down on earth besides the records from the server" He tells us.

"Then why is (Y/n) going inside?" A2 asks.

"He's the only one who will know how to deal with the problem at hand" Kenichi replies.

Kenichi opens the door and the three of us walk inside of the room. The room was lit with lights all around the room and in the center was a round table with 6 other androids sitting in them. All of them were wearing some sort of elegant or formal dressing. From what I remember, Each council member represented each of the planets continents, with Kenichi representing Asia.

"(Y/n) (L/n). What a pleasant surprise to see a AWOL YoRHa member back in action" One of the members say. His name is Marcus, He represents Europe.

"Nice to see you too Marcus" I say sarcastically, Marcus was never someone I was a big fan off.

Marcus has black hair that was slicked back and wore a black suit with red phair. His eyes were red as well which was definitely not a norm for androids. Though the Rampage model androids did have red eyes. Also he was the manager of the Rampage model program.

"It sure has been a while (Y/n)" A women with blond hair and blue eyes says.

"It sure has Florance" I say.

Florance is the council member for North America. She wore a eligent dress white dress. The other 4 members of the council was Thomas, who represented Australia. Garvey, who represented Africa. Simon, who represented South America. And, Faith, who represented Antarctica.

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