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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter You, 2B, and 9S went to a machine village that was peaceful and took a fuel filter for Anemone, in the end you slept with Devola and Popola after hearing some hearing some stuff that mentally left you confused.


POV: You

Part 1.

It was morning the sun was raising slowly over the city ruins. I open my eyes and I see the dim lit room that was Devola's and Popola's. The son was starting to pour through an set of windows near the ceiling on the wall that had the door on it. I looked to my sides and I saw that Devola and Popola were still at my sides cuddling next to me as they were still in sleep mode. I get out of the bed and look back at Devola and Popola than thought.

"Even though they tease me half the time, I like that they care so much about me"

I walked over to the bed and planted a kiss on both of the twins' foreheads. A small smile appears on each of their faces, now it was obvious that they were actually awake and not in sleep mode. I pretend that I didn't notice and walked out of the room, after closing the door I stayed at the door to hear Devola and Popola's reactions.

"He kissed us on the foreheads" I hear Popola says/

"Finally he took some initiative and kissed us for once" Devola exclaims.

"It felt nice to feel his warm lips on my skin, though I wish it was on the lips" Popola says.

"I guess that's up to us then" Devola says.

After I heard that I started walking away from the door slowly to make sure they don't hear me. I I then started walking to the center of the resistance camp, as I did I saw 2B and 9S leaving our room, 9S was carrying the canisters of viscosity oil.

"Hey 2B, 9S" I say with a wave.

"Hi" 2B says with a slight blush.

"Hey (Y/n)" 9S says.

"You guys ready to head out to the machine village?" I ask

"Yup" He replies and 2B nods.

We walk out of the resistance camp and we started to head to the machine village. We walked out of the resistance camp. I looked at the scenery as we walked and it looked quite beautiful for a city ruins.

"It would be a shame if a part of these ruins got destroyed"

As we continued to walk 2B asks "So, what happened last night with you and the twins (Y/n)?"

"Well...." I say while trailing off a bit.

"How the hell am I supposed to tell 2B what Devola and Popola told me last night. What do I just say 'Ohh 2B, did you know humans and androids can have children together'. That could lead to some problems" I say in my head.

"Me, Devola, and Popola just talked about the past abit before falling asleep, that's all" I said only saying a half truth.

"I see" She replies.

After that it was silence, mostly because none of us knew what to talk about. We walked back the way we did when we were lead by the machine the first time. About 10-20 minutes later we were back at the village, Pascal was on the platform above the one we met him on the day before. I climbed the ladder and motioned towards 9S.

"Toss the canisters up to me"

"Sure thing" He replies.

He tossed me up the canisters as 2B climbed the ladder. Once 9S gave me the last canister he climbed up the ladder as well. We walked over to pascal and he was surrounded by 2 hoppers that acted like children so I assumed they were some of the children of the village

Nier Automata: Human (Nier Automata x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now