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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter a new alliance was created for the sake to bring down the biggest machine ever made.


POV: You

Part 1.

It's the third day of our operation to build the rail gun that will defeat the massive machine that's heading our way. I'm at the coast helping out with the construction of the rail gun. The main components of the gun have been made and have been assembled, at the moment the outer cover panels and some of the wording needs to be done. Devola and Popola are in the belly of the beast putting their wiring and circuitry expertises to use. I was up on the side of the gun on some scaffolding with a welder, welding a panel. A boxer that lived in the machine villige walks up to the scaffolding and places a stack of panels onto it, next to the welder.

"These are the rest of the left side cover panels Mr. (Y/n)" The boxer says.

"Thanks Big Bill" I replied then waved as he walked away.

I went to put the welding helmet back over my face and I hear someone call out my name "(Y/n)!" I look down at the ground and I see Rose waving to me with Bolt standing next to her holding a black large box in his arms "We got something for ya!"

"I'll be right down" I tell her. I set my welding helmet down and turned off the welder. I go over to the metal ladder and slid down it, when I got to the bottom I walked over to Rose and Bolt "Is this it?"

"Yup, this is our Special Blackbox Projectile, or S.B.P. for short" Rose says.

I open the case as Bolt held it in his arms. The case had foam cushioning on the top and bottom, in the middle was a large titanium bullet shaped projectile that was six inches in diameter and about two feet in length.

"Well ain't she a beauty" I say before closing the case "You can place it down over by the operation station next to the gun, Bolt"

"Of course" Bolt states before walking off to go place the case down.

"How's the progress going?" Rose asks me.

"The twins are working on the wiring, I'm finishing up on the cover plates, after all that is done the rail gun will be complete" I explained.

"How much time do you think it will take to finish it?" She asks.

"A day, maybe two if we have any problems" I say.

"(Y/n)!" I hear Devola call out from inside the railgun "We got a problem!"

"Great I just fucking jinxed myself"

"Looks like your needed, I'll leave you to it. I'm going to be with Pascal and the little ones if you need me" Rose says with a wave as she walks away.

I walked over to the railgun on the left where the maintenance door was and looked inside to see Devola and Popola working "What's the problem?"

"We need a larger sized capacitor or else this thing will blow up when you flip the power switch" Devola tells me.

"Got it, I'll be right back" I say.

I make my way out of the gun and over to a bin of parts that I've scavenged over the years. Inside the bin I find a nice sized capacitor and it was about a foot in height. I then go back over to the twins.

"Got your capacitor" I say "Need anything else?"

Popola takes the capacitor from me "Can you hand me the power stabilizer that's over by your foot?"

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