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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter we saw you and where you live and also your weapons. There's still a lot of back story that's unknown. Near the end you met two YorHa androids named 2B and 9S.


POV: You

Part 1.

Me, 2B, and 9S were walking somewhere. I followed 2B, and 9S was behind us watching our backs. 2B's heels clicked on the asphalt of the ruined city near my hotel. Weird enough for all the time I've been alive and living I haven't been in this city, all I need is in the forest zone. I then spoke to start some idle chit chat as we walked.

"So uhh, how long have you and 9S been partners 2B?" I asked.

"A month at most" she replies without turning her head to tell me.

"It has been 23 days 2 hours and 19 minutes since units 2B and 9S became partners" 2B's Pod says.

"So you two being partners is relatively new"

"So (Y/n)?" 9S says to me as he walks up to my right side.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Why do you have a pod?" He says while pointing at my pod "that pod in proticular is a YoRHa model pod. How did you get it?" He asks me.

"It's a long story, and I'd like to keep it that way for now" I say.

"Okay, I understand" 9S says.

"Your destination is on the right" 2B's pod says.

We look to the right and see a wall and I looked at it with a confused face.

"This isn't a transporter" 2B says.

"On the other side of the wall" 2B's pod adds.

2B and 9S jump over the wall with ease and I sigh.

"It's been a while since I've done this" I say then ran up to the wall and jumped over the wall then landed on my feet.

I look in front of me and see a park and against a building is a vending machine. 2B and 9S were standing in front of it.

"Were here, this is the transporter" 2B says.

"That's a vending machine" I state.

"No its a transporter" 2B says then touches the interface and the front of the vending machine opens up revealing a place where someone could be placed.

"So how does a transporter work?" I ask.

"It sends our conciousness to our body in the bunker allowing us move between the surface and the bunker with ease" 9S explains.

"So how will that work for me?" I question.

"The microcomputer inside your head allows your conciousness to be transfered to a android body if needed. I found a unused android body for you to use while we are at the bunker" Pod says.

"That works then" I say.

9S gets inside the transporter and the door closes. After a moment the door opens up and 9S wasn't in there.

"So where did his body go?" I asked.

"There is storage behind the transporter for our bodies. Your body should be fine while we are at the bunker" 2B states "I will go next" 2B says then gets into the transporter.

When it was my turn to get into the transporter I got in and pod got in also. I closed my eyes and thought.

"I hope this of all things doesn't kill me"

Nier Automata: Human (Nier Automata x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now