Machines of the Desert

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter you told 2B and 9S about a story of the mission changed a lot for you, a story about a girl named Rose.


POV: You


Me, 2B, and 9S were walking through the first part of the desert before getting to the gate that lead to the main desert. I was back to normal after the emotions I felt from telling 2B and 9S the story of the mission when Rose died. we found the gate to the main desert and there was a woman with a hood standing a bit away from the gate on a ledge. we jumped on to the ledge to speak to her and when she noticed us she spoke.

"Hey, Our leader told me all about you" The woman says "Name's Jackass, Nice to meetcha. I hear your planning to take out all of the machines in the desert. Guess that means we need to get that entrance open"

"Yeah, it looks like it" I say.

"So,um, Jack...ass, was it?.What are you doing all the way out here?" 9S asks Jackass.

"Hmm? Oh, that, well..." Jackass says then the gate to the gate that leads to the main desert blows up scaring me almost half to death due to the suddenness "Wouldn't want to have any one getting tangled up in that now would we?. Don't go trying to be a hero all right?"

"Can't make any promises" I say as I walked towards the entrance still a bit shaken from the explosion.

2B ran to my side on my left and following behind us was 9S "are you alright?" 2B asked me.

"Yeah, just a bit shaken that's all" I reply.

"How so? no one touched you" she says.

I sigh and then say "Shaken as in the context of an after effect of something happening suddenly or trauma"

"I see, that's something I'll keep in mind" She says with her finger on her chin.

we then find 3 hoppers wearing tribal like blue clothes around them and masks covering their heads, my swords were on my back. I pulled out my light sword and ran up to the machines and sliced at each of the machines before they could attack. I walked back to 2B and 9S, 2B had a questioning look on her face.

"are you sure their dead?" she said as she motioned to the 3 machines who just stood there with a slash mark across the front.

"Yup" I say simply and the machines blow up behind me Michael Bay style "We should continue walking, we should almost be at the main desert"

"Agreed" 2B states

We continue walking through the narrow passage way before getting to the opening of the main desert and seeing the vastness of the thing.

"Waypoints have been marked on your map of high concentrations of hostile machine lifeforms inside the desert"Pod says then i see a minimap show up lower right side of my view "Transferring waypoint data to Pod 042 and Pod 135"

We then started running towards the nearest way point and slid down the steep hills of sand. as we ran I saw something unusual sticking out of the sand so I stopped and walked over to it.

"Is that a pod?" 2B asked as I picked it up.

"Pod, is there anything we can do with this pod?" I ask.

"Negative, the pod is not functional, but special weaponry is still operational" Pod says "Proposal: (Y/n) should add special weaponry to Pod 808's weapon arsenal and keep pod for spare parts"

"Yeah lets do that" I state.

"Affirmative, Lock-on missiles equipped"

We then continued running until we got to the way point and 5 wrenches jump out of the ground with 2 of them wielding swords. they were all wearing the tribal clothing that the three in the canyon were wearing, a few of them were wearing masks.

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