From Below

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Hello everyone it's time for a new chapter. Last chapter the special new railgun was completed and some of the past was reviled.


POV: You

Part 1.

Today, could be the end of me, The end of humanity. I will not allow that possibility to stand. As the light of morning shined in through the large glass window. I groaned as a beam of light shined in my eye.

"Rise and shine sleepy head" Rose says as she leaned over me and kisses me on the cheek.

"Morning..." I replied.

"Get up, we got a machine to kill" She tells me in a sweet voice.

I groaned before standing up out of bed and stretched "I'll be out in a few minutes" I say.

"Alright" Rose says before exiting my room.

I walked over to my closet and got dressed, prepared for the battle ahead that I hoped wouldn't take long. I put my old outfit on and walked out of my room. In the living room, Rose was waiting for me.

"Where are the others?" I asked Rose.

"They are waiting for us down by Argent" Rose explained "The members of the resistance camp have pulled back to the machine village just in case the possibility of something else occurs"

"How about Devola and Popola?" I question.

"They are at the Machine village as well"

"Good, let's get going" I say.

Rose and I, traveled to Argent from the hotel. We walked through the forest of large trees. Rose seemed slightly off, she was being a little more reserved then usual but she was still her outgoing, positive, yet shy self. She wanted to talk to me about something, it was written in her body language. The fidgeting with her jacket strings.

"Is there something the matter Rose?, Your being a little more reserved then usual" I asked her.

"Hypothetically, What if the S.B.P. doesn't work or doesn't kill the machine heading our way? What next? Everything before us will be destroyed. I know I'm usually positive but this is something I'm worried about. We are the only ones left of mankind, and today could be our last day" Rose says to me while we walked.

"You don't need to worry Rose, Even if the S.B.P. doesn't work, Even if today happens to be our last day on this planet. Everyone left here will know that mankind didn't go down without a fight" I tell her. I reached over and took her hand into mine. We both stopped and I looked into her eyes and she looked back into mine. We were next to the massive crater that was in the middle of the city ruins "But, I won't let it be the last day we live. I will make sure we live to see mankind flourish again. To see, Our kids grow along side all the other children I have, with 2B, Devola, Popola, White, Maybe even A2. No matter the cost, no matter the sacrifice, I won't let mankind go extinct and I will not leave this earth until I make sure the future of mankind is secure for generations"

Rose starts to tear up before grabbing my face and kissing me. She then pulled away before putting her head on my chest and cried. Crying while embracing me with the tightest hug she could, Letting out thousands of years of bottled up emotions.

"I'm scared (Y/n). For so long I was alone without anyone at my side. Before the world fell to ruin I was still alone, no friends, no family. I was never truly loved by anyone, not even my parents loved me. Thousands of years of isolation in this world, Even after being picked up by Kenichi, I still was alone. I had lost hope for myself. Then you came along, you joined the Council of Humanity and became a member of YoRHa. As I watched you go on mission after mission, There was something about you that made me feel safe, that made me feel that I wasn't alone anymore. Kenichi let me become R8 after finding out you are human. When we on missions together, I would always wish that I could be there beside you as Rose and not R8. To be able to fall in love with the person who didn't make me feel alone. I wished that I could stay at your side for eternity. Then the incident 5 years ago and I felt alone again" Rose cried out "I don't want to feel alone again (Y/n), I want to be by your side until our bitter end, I don't want everything to fall apart before we can build anything up"

Nier Automata: Human (Nier Automata x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now