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When I was little mother always told me how love worked and I never seemed to understand enough until I fell in love myself, she mentioned how relationships take many turns and could eventually end one day and maybe you would get heart broken on the way but at the end you found a way out. She had mentioned how she never knew she would love someone so much when father came along and that would confuse me a little too but maybe not so much.


After days of waiting for my phone to ring, it finally did. I was expecting a call from a nursing position that I got interviewed for weeks ago and all I hoped for was to get the job. I lived alone so being bothered was not a thing here, and the rent was quite cheap for a surprisingly nice apartment and I had a mate who would visit me once in a while which went by the name of Seul. I had quickly reached for the phone not even glancing at the caller ID and said the most cheering Hello I have ever heard, even from myself.

"Is this Y/N?" a husk voice said from the other end.

"Yes." I said almost worried I would drop my phone.

"Y/N, you have been accepted for this position. Thank You. Please come tomorrow at 2 o'clock for training . "

Before Excitedly saying anything the other line was not found. I still couldn't believe my well working ears but I did believe it so I couldn't help but spin around in circles until I got dizzy.


I couldn't speak

none of us can

we are all stuck


waiting for someone to save us

we don't know where we are

we hope to find out soon

we see one another everyday

we say nothing to eachother

we seem to only communicate through our


and actions

each of us leave but I have stayed


It had only been a mere of minutes before I called Mother on the phone telling her how I got the nursing position. She countless times said how she missed me and asked me if I had eaten throughout the day.

I heard a soft knock on the door, accompanied by the rain that seemed to pour nonstop outside. I slipped into my soft small slippers, sliding to the door quietly and quickly. Reaching the door, I creaked it open to catch a peek of who could be outside my apartment door when I heard Y/N it's just me.

I invited Seul in and offered him a drink. Even if he said Y/N I don't drink I carelessly still offered just in case he was feeling a drink. Seul would normally knock on the door to talk or just to get some sugar, which he always seems to need on the weekends, or just to relax mostly because he admired my couch.

He laid still on the couch only staring at the ceiling because to him, he found that amusing, so I asked instead how his day was. He sighed giving me a small smile almost not wanting to smile at all.

"Do you remember Eun Ae?" He said sheepishly.

How could I not? Seul came to me with what seemed a total random fact about her everyday and saying before the fact Did you know Eun Ae...

It had gotten old after a while, even if they both worked together at the coffee shop he would still come to me with a story or anything that had her name in it.

I nodded almost annoyed.

He held his hands "I asked her if she wanted to get coffee sometime."

He trailed off to what seemed an awkward situation that happened between them about how they bickered Why get coffee? When we work at a god damn coffee shop ourselves! And it didn't happen to have a random fact about Eun Ae at the end.

I shook my head slowly.

"Seul , I have no idea why I still listen to you talk about these situations with me" I stepped away from him and reached for the kitchen instead.

He smiled revealing to what he thought were his dimples but were actually deep acne scars he explained he had since he was 12.

I poured him a glass of banana milk before he insisted on bringing back the topic of Eun Ae. He reached over me to receive his sweet banana milk that he loved so much.

"That hit the spot" He said placing the cup back on the counter.

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